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"Monster" Token Health is linked across all units of same type.

I am using the 3.5 character sheet.  I created many NPC's and monsters of to use in groups and repeatedly.  No matter what I have tried to change or how I change it has made a difference. 1. Enter health audits normally with +/- X [enter].  Changes all units tied to that sheet. 2.  Enter health manually with double left click of unit type XXhp [save changes].  CHanges all health tied to that unit. 3.  Individually change all token names to ExampleA, ExampleB, ExampleC, etc.  Repeat 1 & 2. Same result. 4. Thought maybe the problem was copy paste.  Deleted all created new individually by dragging in token, setting parameters, etc. Repeat 1-3. Same Result. 5. I liked the detail of the character sheet and had used it for the monsters instead of npc section.  Remade a character using the npc section.  Repeat 1-3 same result. I am at a loss here. My players say they have never seen it before and that it has never happened to them and they basically arbitrarily make there monsters in all different ways and copy/paste them multiple times and still get to manage health individually.  I unfortunately have not been able to accomplish this. Thanks for any help.  Dylan G.
Diana P
Sheet Author
The key is to not have the health for your monster tokens linked to the character sheet; if the health is linked, when you change one, it will change all that are linked to that character sheet.&nbsp; See the mook section of : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> but basically, set up the token, link the health temporarily to set the hit points, then unlink it before saving it as the default token for the character sheet.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Diana has said everything I could have possibly said. :) As this is a feature behaving exactly as intended, I'll move this out of bugs and over to Specific Questions.
Thanks all. &nbsp;I assumed it was my ineptness. &nbsp;Appreciate it.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Dylgar said: Thanks all. &nbsp;I assumed it was my ineptness. &nbsp;Appreciate it. Having made the exact same mistake many times (even after being aware of how to do it right!) I think we should replace the word ineptness with naivety otherwise i'm in very real danger of having to admit my own faults ;) The key rule with tokens is to make sure you've got them 100% ready before linking them to a sheet, changes made afterwards will not be saved unless you unlink then relink the token.