Nor Nor's story, from his perspective, begins with his rescue from a venomous thrall pod in the caverns below Anestral City. His time in the pod had several effects: amnesia, a wasting sickness, and an affinity for the destructive apects of nature. Nor had no recollection of his time before the pod, but he recognized a kindred spirit in Lor Si'kink and therefore joined the party. In the caverns of Under-Miami, Nor discovered an ultra-intelligent, telepathic fungus that desired to be released from that dimension. Nor carried several of its fruiting bodies to his own plane, thus cementing a symbiotic relationship; at his moment of ascension, the halfing assumed the form of a massive, writhing Fungal Lord. Later, on the Grey Road, Nor and Lor encountered yet another halfling, who revealed the details of Nor's origin. On Avernus, Lor had drawn the Twins card from the harrow deck , causing three evil versions of himself to be created. One, the Chaotic Evil Xor, had been slain by Duke Furcas. The second, the Lawful Evil Leor, had allied with the sorcerer-princes of Uldivai and a resurrected Ssik'silith. The third, the Neutral Evil clone, was Nor. He had traveled to Anestral City to strike a deal with Baphomet's agents there, but had been betrayed and imprisoned in a thrall pod. Nor has no memory of his short life as a Neutral Evil doppelganger, but he and Lor have discussed the possibility of reunited all of the halfling's aspects. As time has passed, Nor's fungal powers have grown and he has accumulated quite the mycelial following. His portable fortress is staffed by myceloid servants, his companion Lor has been reincarnated as a ghoran, and he is often accompanied by the mysterious, floating puffball, Flumph. Most recently, he has taken to carrying around a seed pod from the Under-Miami fungal host; this pod grants him legendary powers.