Hi all, we are on the 4th week in my campaign and I lost two players last week. I would like to fill one of those spots with a reliable player. We play Tuesday nights at 6pm PST. The last two players did not like the fact that they were in town for two weeks. As my description for the game states it's heavy on role playing. It's important to me that players role play with merchants, inn keepers, etc... so if that is not the type of game you enjoy please don't respond. It sucks to have to let players go because they just wanted to get into a game, but then are unhappy with the style. Also if you are interested, please be prepared to write a bio on your character listing your characters motivations. Do not put their family background or history. I will be taking care of that. About the Campaign: Time: Tuesdays 6pm PST. Communication: Text Only. Play Style: Role Play HEAVY; Combat Medium. Campaign Setting: Forgotten Realms, AD&D 2nd Edition Starting Level: 2 Alignments Allowed: Any as long as you can justify working with the group, and not be destructive to the gaming environment. Other: Please be able to view Roll 20 maps.