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[RM] Rolemaster Character Sheet has a number of inaccuracies.

The first thing that jumps out is the Stat bonuses are not correct. For example in the Skill Category of "Artistic Active", the stat bonus should be Presence + Empathy + Agility for all the skills in "Artistic Active". Your character sheet has a mix of Stats. I can only assume this was a house ruled adjustment to the stats or the creator just did not know Rolemaster that well. This error occures consistently throughout the sheet so it might have been a personal house ruled sheet. In addition, the "Body Development" calculation is wrong. Somewhere it is adding an additional +10. I would like to see the formula so I can uncover where it is making the error. As a whole, I like the sheet but would like to make the sheet RMSS rules compliant.
Diana P
Sheet Author
Jolly Roger, The skills were built using the optional rules for variable stat bonuses as laid out in Appendix A-9.2 page 293 of the RMSS Standard Rules. "When using this optional rule, each skill category bonus uses the first two stat bonuses given for the skill category (given in the Skill Summary Table T-2.5 and Appendix A-1).  Then each skill gets a special bonus that is equal to the stat bonus for the stat given in brackets (i.e., {xxx}) after the skill's description in Appendix A-1."  Largely because I built the sheet and that is how my groups have played the game for the last 20 years.  If you wish to change the skill stats around without creating your own custom sheet, you can, for example, put " -@{sdbonus}+@{agbonus}" in the special bonus for Acting which will return that skill to using agility instead of self discipline for the third stat bonus. The +10 to body development is from the description of Body Development on page 160 in the RMSS Standard Rules:  "All characters receive a special +10 bonus to this skill."    And from the same page, "Normally, this skill bonus consists of the following:  Body Development skill bonus = 10 + (2 * Co stat bonus) + SD stat bonus + profession bonus + skill rank bonus + any special bonuses." On the sheet that looks like: <div class="sheet-table-row">     <span class="sheet-table-data-skills-cat-name">Body Development</span> <span class="sheet-table-data-skills-cat"><input type="text" name="attr_bodydev" title="bodydev" value="10+@{bodydevrankbonus}+@{bodydevstat}+@{bodydevcatbonus}+@{bodydevspecialmod}+@{bodydevitemmod}" disabled="true"/></span>     <span class="sheet-table-data-skills-cat-wide"><input type="text" name="attr_bodydevranks" title="bodydevranks (Number of Ranks)" value="0"/></span>     <span class="sheet-table-data-skills-cat"><input type="text" name="attr_bodydevrankbonus" title="bodydevrankbonus (Skill Rank Bonus)" value="0"/></span>     <span class="sheet-table-data-skills-cat-wide"><b>Co/SD/Co</b></span>     <span class="sheet-table-data-skills-cat"><input type="text"name="attr_bodydevstat" title="bodydevstat (Stat Bonus)" value="@{cobonus}+@{sdbonus}+@{cobonus}" disabled="true"></span>     <span class="sheet-table-data-skills-cat"><input type="text" name="attr_bodydevcatbonus" title="bodydevcatbonus (Profession bonus to skill if applicable.)" value="0"></span>     <span class="sheet-table-data-skills-cat"><input type="text" name="attr_bodydevspecialmod" title="bodydevspecialmod (Any Special bonuses)" value="0"/></span>     <span class="sheet-table-data-skills-cat"><input type="text" name="attr_bodydevitemmod" title="bodydevitemmod (Bonus modification from Item)" value="0"/></span>     <span class="sheet-table-data-skills-cat-sm" style="width: 200px;"> </span>     <span class="sheet-table-data-skills-cat-sm"><button type="roll" name="attr_bodydevcheck" title="bodydevcheck" value="Convince me there is a reason to roll a Body Dev check and I will put it in."></button></span> </div>
Diana, thanks for the explanation. Where we write the +10 down manually you have baked that into the sheet. Therefore, I will need to remove that from our manual sheets when converting. Regarding your option rule A 9.2. I actually like your logic but I am playing with a number of new players to Rolemaster and I think it better just stick with the standard stat bonuses. If I start a new campaign, I will get everyone to agree on your modification as I do like the changes you made. Thanks for the explanation. Is there any chance you could offer the standard stat bonus as another sheet option? In the meantime, I will work on making the modifications. 

Edited 1439851553
Diana P
Sheet Author
I'm not interested in maintaining a fourth version of the sheet (my Custom version, a version with full-calculations available to Pro supporters on GitHub, and the main sheet with no calculations; pulling out the calculations makes it load faster.)  But, I think I've figured out a way to put a toggle in which will allow one to choose which rule-set to use, at least for the rolls and the displayed stat's value.  Not certain if I can get the displayed stat name to toggle (I'll work on it but no promises).  But changing the sheet won't happen soon; there's a lot of code to go through, change, and verify works correctly.  The sheet will also default to the current rule-set to not change the values on people currently using the sheet.  Shorter term, I could send you a link to the code with the third stat stripped out of it but you/your campaign creator would have to be a Pro-level supporter to use it since you can't use a custom character sheet template otherwise. I'll probably be adding a page with sample all-in-one macro rolls at the same time as the toggle.
No Problem Diana. I am just going to set up my game without using a character sheet built in. If we like the system then I will consider bumping up my subscription to Pro and we can talk then about my working with your code. Thank you for your quick replies.