If you’re anything like me, when the Merc Cruiser map pops up, you have to zoom out to 30% just to see anything. Now, maybe you guys have ultra-high-def 4k-ish screens, in which case, I’m just ruining things... but assuming for the moment you don’t, you’re probably just as happy that I adjusted it. Either way, if you think something needs fixing, let me know, and it will be done by Tuesday so your campaign work won’t be interrupted. And please pardon me for being a presumptive asshole and fiddling with stuff. A few related notes: Scale tokens on the new map to 0.5 units by 0.5 units. The Line of Sight Ruler currently measures according to D&D 3.5/Pathfinder rules; it could just as easily be set to Euclidean (IE, “as the crow flies” straight line distance measurement); is there a preference for Traveller? If the Merc Cruiser image can be chopped up into separate images for each floor, I can get those grid-aligned. Things are so bad that there’s no two floors that are on the same grid; they aren’t aligned with each other at all . On the other hand, since the map appears to be made from nonsensium anyway (Cutters don’t fit, too thin, too tall... exc.), maybe we should just make a Merc Cruiser from scratch?