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Update the LFG post, and maybe post in the Traveller Subredit?

The LFG post could use a little sprucing up. Put in a bit about Artemis Security Services, the current PCs, our Broadsword ship, the part of Traveller Space and Time we're in, our current missions, and the minimum expected campaign length. Also, shall we post in the Traveller Subredit, to get more interest?
While I do feel the title page and description should be overhauled, I don't know enough about Traveller Subredit to make that kind of call.  It is Jim's game after all.  The game's image should be revised too.  Perhaps a picture of the Ares or other inviting image.  We managed to snag a new player portraying a Captain of starship Gunnery.  The new Rank will help us both in starship combat and Trade rolls alongside Col. Robertson's very high Social Standing in securing freight, mail and/or speculative cargoes.
I feel that having this campaign on a mentor account with a custom character sheet extra memory and stuff helps it's success, but I don't feel like it makes me the "owner" of the game. Many people have spent time on and made content for this game. I will set settings and change the character sheet as the player or current GM chooses.
First draft of the LFG writeup below: Artemis Security Services Wants You! Come see the Spinward Marches, and points beyond ! Match wits with and get the upper hand on fearsome opponents! Come join the Crew of the Ares, an 800 displacement Ton Broadsword Mercenary Cruiser! In this time of war, where Swordworlders are pushing back the Imperium, and the Zhodani find new ways to meddle, fight on the side that matters ; yours ! Company Mission Statement: Artemis Security Services will provide their clients with an attentive, responsive, and comprehensive requirements assessment, and present potential solutions with professionalism, cleverness, and discretion. Artemis Security Services will be known for its expeditious, personalized, and complete solutions to their customer's security and investigative needs, and its correct application of capability howsoever the customer requires in accordance with accepted terms of hire. Artemis Security Services will embody a broad spectrum of expert skills, enabling the broadest possible range of capability being brought to bear upon tasks requiring investigation or application of force. Artemis Security Services will remain apolitical, but consider its moral compass however it prefers. Artemis Security Services will endeavor to always be considered the preferred option in all circumstances to which it can be employed as a solution. Primary Services: Public Investigation & Intelligence Gathering Governmental Intelligence Gathering, Espionage, & Counter-Espionage Corporate Intelligence Gathering, Counter-Espionage, & Espionage Security & Guard Details for groups or individuals Civilian, Militia, & Military Personnel Training in Equipment & Application of Force Secure Passenger, Personnel, and Prisoner Transport Ship & Fleet Escort Defensive & Offensive Application of Force This advertisement produced by Tad Wellington Advertising Services, Inc. Internal Company Dossiers (difficulty modifier here): Colonel Lloyd Robertson Shipboard Duties: Chief Executive, Space Tactician, Gunner Deployment Duties: Troop Leadership, Field Tactician Short Bio here Captain Gevaudan Cannagrrh Shipboard Duties: Captain, Primary Pilot, Primary Navigator Deployment Duties: Dropship Pilot, Close Air Support, Shotgun, Melee A superlative pilot and navigator with a decade of piloting experience, this studious, hard-training, and enthusiastic crewman errs on the side of formality. Not merely settling for being a member of the Society of Equals, he aspires to be a traditional Vargr hero in the vein of Runetha Saetedz. Frequently enjoys fast-food burgers. Often found at the ship's wheel, sometimes even asleep. Larzamonte Charoux Shipboard Duties: Primary Comms, Primary ECM, Primary Computers & Electronics, Secondary Sensors Deployment Duties: Recon, Stealth, Forward Observer, Infiltration, Negotiation, Comms, Pistols A former Darrian Intelligence Agent specializing in technology enabled crimes, his past has taught him to consider risks carefully, play things close to the vest, and be secretive about his history. He has a definite tendency to assume the worst-case scenario even while he finds solutions that simultaneously solve the much more likely problem. He goes to great pains to conceal just how much technology is on his person at any given time (which it turns out can be quite a bit), and tries to employ it only as his trump card. He generally appears cool and unfeeling, but his concern for others is proven out through his actions. He is often heard relaying or preemptively announcing orders over the ship's comms, or fiddling with the utility computer on various projects. Captain Jacob Crow Shipboard Duties: Chief of Ship's Weapons & Countermeasures, Primary Sensors Deployment Duties: Close Air Support, Chief Mechanic, Energy Weapons, Melee Rumored to have never missed with a fired missile... ever . Gerald Rothschild Shipboard Duties: Chief Engineer, First Backup Pilot, Backup Gunner Deployment Duties: Close Air Support, Secondary Mechanic, Shotgun A former Naval Scout Serviceman with a hateful family, Gerald is a glory hunting profiteer with aspirations of being "The Most Interesting Man in the Universe"; he's not as far along as he thinks he is. Dr. Lyireh Ros-Galyin Barek, MD Shipboard Duties: Chief Doctor Deployment Duties: Chief Doctor (usually not deployed) * A Darrian Medical Doctor with expertise in treating multiple species, her enthusiasm for her work led her to join Artemis Security Services in order to have a consistent stream of patients to work on. This has not entirely gone to plan. Larzamonte Charoux occasionally supplies her with unusual data to do medical analysis on, so she has something to keep her occupied. Sergei Andronokov Shipboard Duties: Chief of Security, Brig Warden Deployment Duties: Slug Weapons, Stealth, Recon Sergei Andronokov's past is littered with indifference, betrayal, and violence. When a sudden extreme windfall gave him the opportunity to permanently tip the scales in his favor with excessive Cybernetics, he took it. Captain Panzor Shipboard Duties: Gunner Deployment Duties: Wheelman, Heavy Weapons, Backup Medic, Close Air Support Panzor is not your average bear-pun-spraying uplifted bear. He's worse . Hane Meson Shipboard Duties: Co-Pilot Deployment Duties: Chief Investigator Short bio here Professor Isis Shipboard Duties: Chief Medic, Non-Euclidean Transportation Deployment Duties: Recon, Stealth, Non-Euclidean Transportation, Infiltration, Pistols, Melee Professor Isis is a Zhodani expatriate that got spotted by an Imperium goon squad and shanghaied to an Imperium Psi Education & Training center black site. She snuck out and joined up with Artemis, which grants her the freedom she always wanted. Passenger Manifest (Difficulty Modifier Here) The Sister Reporter and Her Attendant Dame Qithka Cannagrrh - Calling her Gev's pesky meddling sister is completely misreading the situation. She's his older, overbearing sister who has become stuck being his tagalong since the the war has cut off her few ways home. Finding herself somewhat helpless to the ongoing requirements of her brother's colleagues for the duration has left her somewhat irate. Regardless, she has plenty of opportunities to report on, in a non-revealing way, the activities Artemis Security Services passes by and engages in. Uthka Varzeekh - Uthka is Qithka's Attendant, and subject to Qithka's sometimes overly ambitious whims; Qithka's contrived visit to spy on her brother and repeatedly tell him what he's doing isn't important enough is one such example. Regardless, this has actually benefited Uthka in the short term, since the Crew seems to respect her advice and herself far more than Qithka does; hopefully, Qithka won't notice that the crew actually respect Uthka more than they respect Qithka; which could make things problematic. The Activist Rock Band Pepper - Pepper is the wild one. While in Hyperspace she often keeps to her heavily instanced MMORPG game, but when the ship goes to port, watch out; she'll find a way to get off the ship and cause trouble. Nutmeg - Nutmeg is a low-key Goth. While not someone to actually instigate trouble to anyone besides herself, those who resent her style for whatever reason will likely cause her trouble. Cinnamon - The band's main writer and spokeswoman. A Vargr, she has a habit of playing to the Terran "Werewolf" mythology. The superstitious and violent may instigate some serious problems. Ginger - The most photogenic member of the band, her provocative photos and videos with Khrragg, her Vargr panet partner, may get her into some real trouble. Fortunately, Khrragg is never very far away. Khrragg - Almost never apart from Ginger, and often seen with her in photos or videos. He is a backup guitarist for the band, and technically not one of the band members. He occasionally plays a solo piece in the show to give the other band members a chance to refresh themselves. If Ginger ever gets into trouble, he'll get into trouble trying to get her out of it. Only less likely to get into trouble than Ginger in theory, since though he's less publicized he's always with her, and more likely to get into worse trouble than her due to his inevitable coming to her defense. Rock Salt - The only other male in the band, and the only non-Vargr male, and with plenty of charisma to boot, he is the most likely to be swamped with crazed human female groupies. Or to let his guard down a few times too many. Recent Events Prevented phony artifact distribution from ruining a concert Recovered actual artifact from among phonies Salvaged a Radiation Screen from a debris field Reported debris field to salvage company

Edited 1441969106
Gevaudan's official rank is Senior Scout and was a Courier in his home polity, but if being the ship's 'Captain' makes the game sound more enticing.... Rumor has it that Gunnery Capt. Crow's missiles never miss. How about short, one-liners on recent passengers, recent jobs, recent adventures and incidents? So far, I like this.  A lot.  Good work, Tech.
Do you approve of or have corrections to the Doctor bio? I didn't have much to work on, since it wasn't really my character. I would argue that, when it comes to ship matters, Gev is more in charge than the Colonel. That makes him Captain. I suppose that rumor could help fill out his bio a bit, for the time being. Recent Events will go in, and include things of that sort. Do you have any difficulty modifiers for penetrating the company's internal database? XD
Penetration of ASS' personnel dossiers is Charoux' Computer skill rating plus the level of Intrusion Security software he uses up against a hacker's skill plus Intrusion software.  So that is the difficulty.  If someone else works the company database, then use their skill+software. More content on newer characters will be revealed this weekend's game, (9/13/2015).
Any comments on the Doctor's bio? What was the TL of the Utility Computer again?
I did not write Dr. Barek and as such might do her damage from her original intent as an NPC.  As to the ASS utility computer, I don't have its specs in front of me.  Where is it listed in ASS assets?
I have no idea. All I know is, I requested we have such a computer when the ship was built. I don't know for certain that it was done.
Christopher Walken thinks Kirk didn't use enough dramatic pauses; or enough cowbell.
You can never have enough cowbell.
I updated the game description.