What would it take to adapt The Aaron's Group Initiative script to a different system? This is the basic macro I use to add tokens to initiative: [[@{selected|basic_speed} + (([[@{selected|Dexterity}]])/10000) + (1d100/1000000) &{tracker:=}]] 'basic_speed' is the primary attribute for initiative determination. It typically ranges between 4.00 and 12.00, in increments of 0.25. The next two factors are for breaking ties. The first thing that is used to break a tie is the highest Dexterity score. The last thing is just a random die roll, in the case where basic_speed and Dexterity are both the same. The addition and division steps are just so that I can get them to boil down to a single, sortable number, with 6 decimal places. It was the best way I could think of to make it work. It currently has an odd glitch that pops up, where occasionally the result ends up with more than 6 decimal places (up to 9 more), and I have no idea why. I end up re-rolling initiative for those tokens when it happens because so many digits really is way too long for the turn tracker. If I could think of another way to do it, I'd like to reduce the length of the final number to fewer significant digits. I've taken a look at his script....and got lost. :-) Beyond my depth.