Hey there everyone! I was just wondering if there was any interest here at roll20 in a game concept that is played 100% in chat. No mics or cameras. This means you type up the actions of your character and try to stay in character as much as possible. Out of character questions and rolls will be fine but should be limited to not flood out the role play. This idea would be for those who love to write and create stories. If there is interest in something like this, I plan to make a game that features a system I devised that works well with written role play. The system is similar to "The Window" in that it does not have health points or experience. If you would like to know more about the system, please visit this link; DNA system. I also have a world and a setting I'd like to use. Its a raw world that's open to many possibilities. More will be discussed on that, but first I need to return to the topic and find out who would be interested in playing by chat? Please let me know and I'll start working on some maps and getting a game started.