Hey Everyone, I'm about to start my very first Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition campaign where I will be the GM. We're doing Hoard of the Dragon Queen and eventually Rise of Tiamat. I'm quite nervous because I'm brand new to this and would love some advice on specifically running HOTDQ. Anything you can tell me that would help would be much appreciated. I ran one episode of Lost Mines of Phandelver and it went ok. That module was very helpful for the GM but HOTDQ is not very helpful. It really doesn't hold your hand. If you have been the GM for Hoard of the Dragon Queen, could you please give me some tips? Specifically in the non-combat parts like the whole of chapter 2 and 4? What to say in certain parts or how to paint the picture. The module doesn't have much boxed text. It's too late to change campaigns so please don't recommend that as an option. Thanks, Ari