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New additions coming soon and making fixing existing tokens a top priority.

Devin N.
Marketplace Creator
Hey everybody. I don't think all the older tokens have been updated yet. That's my fault I need to re-tag all my old files. The sheer number of them has kept me in a state of paralysis. Summer is a busy time for me, not just freelancing but keeping up with my girls who are home all day and can't wait to drag me everywhere. I will start submitting updated files to Roll20 next week which should make all the older tokens look better. In addition to that I'll make all of the newer packs have less padding so that they take up more space in the grid. This may cause some scaling issues from token to token, but I think that can be adjusted in-game. While the re-tagging of the old files is underway I'm planning on releasing character packs. This has also caused me to stop and try to figure out the best way to release them. I have an assortment of about 200 characters of various races, classes and equipment load-outs. What has caused me to pause is I don't know the best way to package them, should it be by race, by class or an assortment in every set? I think what I have decided to do is make sets that have an assortment of classes and races, then taking those tokens and making variants with different equipment/weapons. Each set should have at least 20 tokens and as many as 30 with the variants. Also in the pipe is a set of townsfolk and more sci-fi tokens. I appreciate the patience you have shown and I appreciate everyone who has purchased my work and plans on doing so. Please feel free to post feedback here or on my blog, even if it's a friendly kick in the pants I sometimes need to stay motivated. Thanks. -D
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I love your tokens and hopefully soon I will be able to buy some packs. I think a variety pack for the large amounts and specific race /  class / or equipment could be made into the smaller packs.
Forum Champion
I would suggest race packages since class names are not always the same in different gaming systems. On game systems Paladin could be another systems Templar. - Gauss
Kevin B.
Marketplace Creator
I enjoy your work, Devin. Keep it up!