There's a lot of talk about how we should go to Rhylanor before Wypoc, with some of the argument being based on the idea that we should stop there to pick up equipment to test the artifact with. And while I don't disagree with that idea per se, I also don't think it's nearly as simple as that. And here's why. If we were to do this job properly, we would need a fresh from the shipyard Scout built to TL15 specs to test the artifact out on. We would probably have to put down a deposit on it and lease it; and if we break it, we've bought it. We don't really want to risk the company's flagship and the lives of its personnel on something that could go horribly, horribly wrong; so we need a testbed we can rely on, that is guaranteed to work correctly on its own, leaving all operational faults with the artifact under test and its interface to the ship; and, to be as compatible as possible, it would probably have to be built to the highest available TL. The only thing that affordably fits this bill is a freshly built, carefully run in, TL15 scout. This is a big investment. Supposing for a moment that we had the cash on hand to acquire the equipment to start testing the artifact, once we started our first test run, we could be stuck for weeks figuring out how to get back to where we started, or worse . In the meantime, our big-bad is making his way back to Wypoc. Now, granted, we could certainly skip the expense of a brand-new ship and treat testing the artifact out like adventurers would; but we're Mercenaries. Our job is to mitigate and manage risk; and adventuring our way through artifact testing isn't what a mercenary company would do. Not to mention the potentially disastrous delay in getting to Wypoc. Now, there are plenty of other reasons to go to Rhylanor; the main one being the TL15 tech they have there. I'll certainly take advantage of that while I'm there. But unless I'm missing a particular detail, it's not worth delaying demolishing the base at Wypoc for. Let's get to Wypoc and cut our big-bad's knees out from under him, and then worry about how quickly we can get to Rhylanor. Also, I kind of want to see Gev do the whole "heroic test pilot" thing. XD