I know that the real answer is that repeating fields are not accessible in any meaningful way. I am hoping somebody could point me towards the best work-arounds. First let me describe what I am trying to do. My Earthdawn character sheet is coming along nicely, but I am finding that during combat we are jumping around way to much. We jump to the Core tab and hit the Initiative button, then we jump to the Talents or the Skills, or Spell tabs to make our attack. Then we jump to the Equipment tab to click the damage button on our Weapon. If somebody attacks us we jump back to the Core tab to check our Physical Defense, our Armor, and our Wound threshold. I would like to put all of this information on one "Combat" tab. This would be duplicate information, I want the information to also be where it currently is, but I also want it to be on the Combat tab. This is no problem, I have almost all the information copied to my new Combat tab. The problem is repeating sections. I can't figure out how to gracefully make this information appear both in a repeating section, and also outside of it. What I want are selected items from my repeating section to also display on my Combat tab. Maybe the 5 or 6 most common actions a player takes in combat. These would need to be chosen by the player. Two things that I tried were <input name="attr_value2test" type="number" value="@{test@{test3test}test}" disabled > <input name="attr_test@{test3test}test" type="number" value="0" disabled > I did not really expect ether to work, since nobody had mentioned using anything like this before, but I did try hopefully. By the way, having one or both of these work would be my A #1 pick for a feature request if they worked with the index number of repeating sections. IE: if you set @{ind} to 5, then @{repeating_group_@{ind}_field} would give you access to @{repeating_group_5_field}. Anyway, that did not work, so now I am looking for a workaround. Idea number two is just have the user enter the information in a 2nd place manually. If worst comes to worst, I guess that is what I will have to do. The combat tab would just be 6 items coded in without a repeating section. The roll buttons could then be moved to the macro bar, etc. My third idea is to have the API copy if for the user. When entering skills and talents, the user could check a box (within a repeating section) if this talent should be copied to the combat tab. On the combat tab would be a button that would give the API the character sheet ID and tell it to look through the repeating section and copy the marked items to the combat screen. It would just be a snapshot of the characters talents when he told it to copy. I have done zero accessing a character sheet from the API, so if anybody can point me towards a particularly good example I would appreciate it. So anyway, those are my ideas. Could somebody please tell me how people solve things like this in the past and what might be suggested? And maybe the best example to learn from? Thank you.