This is not really a formal LFG so much as just me seeing what kind of interest is out there. I want to make the foray into 5E, since I am primarily a Pathfinder DM. And since there's a bunch of thick adventure paths piling up in my storage, I'd like to delve into them. Out of the Abyss is a new one, specifically dealing with the Underdark and all the horrors therein. There are also others, we'll see. As a DM, the thing I'm hoping to find interest from is players who want to get excited about a game, and put as much into it as I do. I don't generally care is new or a veteran so much as that they're going to be there every session excited to play. My games tend to be slower paced, less combat-focused, and more about in-character roleplaying and character arcs. Also, something I've always wanted to do since I started on Roll20, is play a game where I can actually emote as a DM, and see player reactions. I know this is not likely, but I'll throw it in anyway. If there is enough interest in it, I'd love to try a game with not just voice, but video included. There's lots of other things I've wanted to do for a long time. I've dabbled in streaming/recording games, but never seriously yet, but it's been an interest for a while. So yeah. I guess let me know what kind of interest is out there. You can reply here or by PM with any personal details or which parts you're into, and I'll see what happens if there's any bites.