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Map Contributions

Ok, so I plan on making a few generic maps, mostly for the modern era, that I will then upload for the community. Any requests for specific locales/areas/styles?
Sharing your stuff with the community is not as easy as you think................
Oh? What is the difficulty with it then?
Sharing your stuff with the community is not as easy as you think................ Does that mean your tileset was barred from ye olde Marketplace? That'd really suck, I was looking forward to using it.
Maybe I should mention. These "map" pieces are going to be buildings or similar, with a bit of outdoors, that can be fitted together to form larger maps (like, say, a small city block, if I am patient enough to make enough pieces to make it varied enough for that)
Sharing your stuff with the community is not as easy as you think................ Does that mean your tileset was barred from ye olde Marketplace? That'd really suck, I was looking forward to using it. If Ajax's comment is really due to his tileset for some reason not entering into the Marketplace, it's still easy to share things with the community by usual means, like arranging the assets into a zip file and placing a download link in the post, here, from (for instance) your Public Dropbox folder.
Dropbox, GDrive, FTP-server, website Plenty of options. I probably wouldn't bother advertising it though, would be a hassle to do that over and over :)
Lorien Wright
Marketplace Creator
There are some good suggestions over in this thread on modern era maps that folks want: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> If you contact Roll20 at their contact email they're very helpful in making the arrangements to have content uploaded to the marketplace. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Roll20 Team
Thanks, Phillip! Martin, when you have art assets ready that you'd like to add to the marketplace, fire us an email at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and we'll go from there.
Ok. I'll start working on a nightclub, pub and a really dingy bar. If that goes well I might get to work with police/firestation/jail.
Oooh I could use a police station. I've got a bar but a new one would be nice. By the way how do you make them?
Blender 3D and a bit of time.
Ajax's comment raises a few concerns with me as well. I am developing some assets that I will want to host in the marketplace. What about it , made it difficult for you? What exactly is the standard for approval?
What exactly is the standard for approval? In short, we accept professional content and we treat it professionally. If you're interested in your work appearing on the marketplace, please contact me via nolan AT roll20 DOT net.
My tilesets are pretty small when zipped, I will gladly email a set to anyone who wants them, if you send me a request. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> My problem with the Market Place has nothing to do with content it is matter of personal information I don't wish to divulge.
From what you said before , I thought maybe there was a format problem or something.
Ok, due to real life issues (and barely having time to work on my own campaign) the discussed contributions are being put on hold for now. Will pick it all back up when the universe calms down a bit. :)