okay, i have played with this some more, and have almost gotten this where i think it needs to be. but, as it turns out, i know almost nothing about css, so would really appreciate any styling tips to make this look better. right now, it looks like which works fine, but i can't seem to get rid of the bar in the middle (between the name row and the description row). the code for this is <div class="sheet-Stunts">
<div class="sheet-header">Stunts</div>
<fieldset class="repeating_stunts">
<table style="width:100%" border="2">
<tr><td><table style="width:100%" >
<tr><td width="5%" valign="middle"><button type='roll' value='&{template:FAE} {{name=@{name}}} {{approach=@{stuntname}}} {{roll=@{stuntroll}}} {{effect=@{stuntdescription}}}' name='roll_stuntroll' /></td>
<td width="45%" valign="bottom"><label>Name </label><input type="text" name="attr_stuntname" /></td>
<td width="50%" valign="bottom"><label>Roll (if Any) </label>
<select name="attr_stuntroll" />
<option value="" selected>No Roll</option>
<option value="[[4DF+ @{careful}[Careful]+2+?{Bonus|0}[Bonus]]]">Careful</option>
<option value="[[4DF+ @{clever}[Clever]+2+?{Bonus|0}[Bonus]]]">Clever</option>
<option value="[[4DF+ @{flashy}[Flashy]+2+?{Bonus|0}[Bonus]]]">Flashy</option>
<option value="[[4DF+ @{forceful}[Forceful]+2+?{Bonus|0}[Bonus]]]">Forceful</option>
<option value="[[4DF+ @{quick}[Quick]+2+?{Bonus|0}[Bonus]]]">Quick</option>
<option value="[[4DF+ @{sneaky}[Sneaky]+2+?{Bonus|0}[Bonus]]]">Sneaky</option>
<tr><td><table style="width:100%" >
<tr><td width="5%" valign="bottom"></td><td width="95%"><label>Description</label><input type="text" name="attr_stuntdescription" /></td></tr>
</div> <!-- .section-stunts -->
it does everything i want it to do, it just looks bad. any help, tips, tricks, etc would be appreciated.