So you want to play? Excellent! Steps 1-12 deal with 4e character creation; steps 13-15 deal with putting everything in Roll20 and getting ready to play! If you are new to D&D 4e or to Roll20 I highly recommend watching these videos: Building a Character Part 1 (Steps 1-13) and Building a Character Part 2 (Steps 14-15). Even if you are a 4e veteran, read through this checklist carefully , as we have some Guild-specific instructions that may be different from what you're used to doing in other campaigns. You are very welcome to ask questions in the Guild Discord chat and in the Questions thread throughout this process. You can also start roleplaying your character before the sheet is completely finished in the Guild Discord's RP chat. Note that we will ask you to attempt to finish your sheet completely before having it checked (for the sanity of our DMs), but we do not expect it to be perfect and if you do have specific questions, we would be glad to answer them. Step 1: Resources - While we don't expect you to pay a ton for all the books, we do expect you to have access to some of the material if you are going to play. You can use material from any official D&D 4e publication, which you can access all of through the compendium . If you look anywhere else, make sure what you are looking at is 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons and it is official product (updated with all the errata ), not 3rd party or even the original publications. You should at minimum read the entry on your class, read your powers and read the basics of gameplay and combat. The chapters you should read are outlined in the Basic rules thread. Making a sheet on myth-weavers is likely easiest (and free) for players learning the game. If you use this sheet it also makes it much easier for the DMs to check your sheet so you are likely to spend less time waiting for someone to check your character. Please do NOT use the character builder to make your character. For more info on why, see Question #3 here . Step 2: Guild Discord Chat - The Guild has its own Discord server for help, chat, and game announcements, which you should join. When you join, please read the "Three Rs" on the welcome page. Step 3: Class - There are 46 of them (excluding Hybrids). Pick one. List its class features in your class features section on the first page. Step 4: Race - There are 46 of them. Pick one. Typically you want your Racial bonuses to match up with your class's Key Abilities. While you can play a Charisma / Strength Paladin as a Bullywug, it likely isn't a good idea. List your race features in the race features section on the first page, and add any skill bonuses you get to the Misc column of the skills section on the first page. Step 5: Stat Array - Yes there are a ton of arrays available to you. As a new player, while you are learning the ropes, you probably want to pick one of these: 18/14/11/10/10/8 16/16/12/12/10/8 16/14/14/11/10/10 16/14/14/13/10/8 Once you choose an array please put it in the Statistic Block on your sheet . These numbers are before racial modifiers and are not in order. You want to put the highest number in your primary statistic and the secondary number in your secondary statistic. So if you are a Dragon Sorcerer you want your two highest statistics in Strength and Charisma. Read your class if you are confused. We strongly recommend having at least a score of 18 in your primary attack stat at lvl 5. This campaign starts at lvl 5 , so you should add the +1 to two different ability scores that you would have received at lvl 4. List what ability scores you boosted under your stat array in the Statistic Block section of your sheet. It is a very bad idea to not boost your primary stat due to being able to get any smaller numbers at a lesser cost by simply building it into your array at level 1. If you do choose to ignore this warning you will be expected to explain your reasoning using the information from This Thread. You should also set the level on your sheet to be 5. Step 6: Skills - Your class will tell you what list you can pick from and how many you get. Training is +5. If you're using mythweavers, just click the "trained" checkbox. In general, it's better to be really good at a few things rather than ok-ish at many things, so consider training the skills that line up with your high ability scores. Step 7: Powers - Choose your powers from your class and learn what they do. Check the rules on character creation in PHB1 page 29 to make sure you have the right number of each type of powers. If you're unsure what some of the words mean, look through Chapter 9 ("Combat") in PHB1, and it will explain most of the terms used. At level 5, most (not all) classes will have two at-will attack powers (lvl 1), two encounter attack powers (lvl 1,3), two daily attack powers (lvl 1,5), and a utility power (lvl 2). For more info, see PHB1 page 29. When you list your powers on your sheet, you should indicate the type of power and its level in the title of the power. For instance "Valiant Strike (at-will 1)." If you have a hybrid character, you should also specify which class the power comes from, e.g. "Twin Strike (at-will 1 R)." If you want to learn more about what the 4e community thinks of various powers, feats, or items for each class, check out the collection of Build Guides . Note that what they consider the "best" options may not be the best options for your specific character! Step 8: Feats - You get a Free Expertise Feat . [If your class already grants a free expertise feat as a class feature (e.g. Ranger (Hunter) ), you can take any feat for which you fulfill the prerequisites as a free bonus feat in its place.] You will also have a feat at level 1, level 2 and level 4 starting off (plus an extra if human). There are a ton of feats, which you can find in 4e publications or in the compendium. Typically you want to pick up things that help your initiative, give you a bonus to damage and give you defenses first. If you are confused, its all good. Pick something quickly and get back to it later. For each feat, list the level at which you would take that feat, e.g. "Lvl 4: Cunning Stalker." You may also write short descriptions of its benefits after the feat name. Step 9: Equipment - Read through the Rules on Items if you haven't. You have 4500gp to spend on magic items. You need to buy these things first (Yes you need magic items of all "big 3" before any DM will approve your character): 1) Weapon or Implement 2) Neck Item 3) Armor 4) Other stuff You can wear things higher than your level, you cannot however buy anything above level 7 as a starting character, as these higher-level items would impoverish you and make you unable to buy all the things you should get. You can buy certain items at a discount by buying them from other players. Check the Items for Sale Thread for details. Because these items are sold at a discount, you can buy items above level 7 from the items for sale thread as a starting character. Note : You do not have to buy only from the sale thread, you can buy items as normal as long as they are allowed in the campaign. Also, if you are wearing +2 Chain, Scale or Plate, be sure that you pick up the masterwork version of your armor. If you are not sure what this means, ask a GM. List the magic items and equipment you purchase in the "Magic Items and Equipment" section of your character sheet on the second page. For the weapon/implement, armor, and neck slot, be sure to include the enhancement bonus of the item in its name. Examples "Veterans Leather Armor +2", Withering Dagger +3", Casque of tactics (heroic). It is also a good idea to list the slot the item is located in the "Use" column of the sheet. For instance, next to "Iron Armbands of Power (heroic)" you would write "Arm.". List the individual cost per item under Coins and Wealth on page 3. If you bought something from the sales thread, please state so here. Note: All Mundane items (non-magic less than 50gp) items are free for the sake of making everyone's life easy. If you don't try to abuse it by making a fortress from the 34,000,000 arrows in your quiver, we won't make people have to remember whether they have 34 or 35 arrows in their quiver. Step 10: Review Sheet and Sheet Details - Now that you have all the pieces for your character, you need to fill in some of the spare blanks. Keep in mind that we don't expect you to get everything right, but we do ask that you make an attempt. The following spaces need to be filled out: Character Name, Race, Size, Gender, Height, Weight, Deity, Alignment Name (Your name on R20) Class: Your Class. If you are a hybrid, use the | symbol (Fighter|Paladin is hybrid Fighter and Paladin). Paragon Path - Not Needed until 11 Epic Destiny - Not Needed until 21 Adventure Company - The Guild Defenses - Add any defensive bonuses you get from class into the column for class. The same goes for Feats, Enhancement (Enh), Misc and Temp. Keep in mind that your armor bonus does not get entered here and every character should have something in the Enh column from their magic items. Max HP - Determine your Max HP for level 5 according to your class entry. Surges/Day - Determine your Surges per day according to your class entry. Quick Lookup - Fill out all the small boxes (even with 0s). This is where you equip your armor, list the speed of your race, denote your special senses such as darkvision as well as determine your initiative. Conditional Modifiers - Fill out any conditional modifiers. For example, "+2 bonus to saving throws against charm effects" Statistic Block - This should contain your Array, Racial Bonuses, and Level up increases. Race Features - List your Race Features. If you have a mechanical background (See #11), list that here as well. Attack/Damage Workspace - Pick an at-will ability and a basic attack. You will want to fill these out. If you have questions on how to get the numbers to put into these columns please refer to page 274 for attack and 276 for damage in the player's handbook and read this thread . Skills - Make sure to add your bonuses from your race and possibly background/theme/items to your 'misc' column for the appropriate skill. Feats - List your feats here. Just feats. Not class features, not items. Just feats. Class/Path/Destiny Features - List Class Features. If you have a Theme (See #12) you should denote what your theme is and what bonuses you get from that theme here. Languages - Check your race for Languages. You cannot start with either Supernal or Abyssal unless a feature explicitly gives knowledge of one to you. Coins and Other Wealth - Remember to put whatever money you have from starting your character in this area. This number should not be over 3000 for a new character. If you find you have a ton of money left over, you have forgotten magical equipment. Please write down how you spent your money in this section so we can quickly see where your starting gold went. Personality / Mannerisms / Background - In one of these areas you should give some details on your character. We don't need a 30 page backstory (but put it up there if you like), however we need something to make this more than a stat sheet. Please keep in mind that the dark brooding stranger may be fun on TV but severely limits your interactions in the Roleplay part of this Roleplaying Game . If you are having trouble figuring out what to put here answer the following questions: What does this character look like? Where is this character from? Why is this character adventuring? Does this character have any obvious traits that set them apart? The very last box on the 3rd page is for YOUR personal notes. Nothing put in this box can be seen by people who are not the PC. Do not put anything in this box you want anyone else to see. Step 11 ( optional!) : Mechanical Background - Look at the mechanical background thread . THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS YOUR BACKSTORY. You do not, strictly speaking, need one of these if you are just starting out. If you pick one, put it at the bottom of your "Race Features" section on the first page of your sheet. Step 12 ( optional!) : Theme - This modifies your class in small ways.
The themes are relatively hard to find if you don't have access to
either the paid WOTC compendium (D&Di) or the portable compendium. You do not, strictly speaking, need a theme if you are just starting out, but they can give you some fun and interesting bonuses if you grab one.If you pick one, put it at the bottom of your "Class Features" section on the first page of your sheet, along with any features you get from your theme. If you get different features at different levels, you can list them on separate lines with their level, e.g. "lvl 5: +2 bonus to Athletics." Step 13: Post your character - You need to post your character in a format readable by anyone (make sure you hit "Save" and that it is not set to private) in the #sheet-macro-checks channel on Discord. While you're there, make sure you're a member of the Guild on roll20: read and post on the Guild's LFG page to get an official invitation to the Guild if you have not already done so. A DM will come and look at it and if everything seems cool will make you a Journal Entry. Additionally, input the information for your character in the Guild Census . Step 14: Fill out your Journal Entry - To access your journal entry, go to the Guild main page and click on "Launch game." You should find your journal in the Journal tab under "Player Characters." Before you adjust your journal, though, you should to go into the Settings tab (at the table), scroll down, to Game Settings, and change "Player/Video Avatar size" to "Names only." This will allow you to actually see the tabletop past the avatars. Once you've done that, go to your new character's journal and click on the "Attributes and Abilities" tab of the journal. Fill out your attributes from your myth-weavers sheet (it should be fairly self-explanatory). Your Journal entry also needs to have your macros put into it in the Abilities section. Your macros can be really complicated or really simple. See the Macro guides for more information (now in video form ). Basically it just needs to be obvious what you are doing and do the math/dice rolls for you when you click your abilities. Once you are done, run your macros by a DM in the #sheet-macro-checks channel and they will make you a token once they check and approve your macros. The proper format for requesting sheet and macro checks can be found in that channel's pins. If you upload a picture to be used in your journal entry the DM will use that to make your token unless you tell them otherwise. YOU ARE NOT READY TO PLAY UNTIL A DM HAS CHECKED YOUR MACROS AND MADE YOU A TOKEN. Step 15: Change your Display Name: When you're at the Guild's table on roll20, go to the Settings tab and change your display name so it reflects what the levels and roles of your characters are. For instance, If I have a level 10 leader and a level 5 controller, I will change my name to Gary M (10L, 5C). This will change your name just at the Guild's table and not for any other games or aspects of roll20. You should NOT change your display name to your character's name. Step 16: Read up on Guild Etiquette: Read this post for a list of expectations for how players interact with the DM and other players in-game. Step 17: Go to Game - Check the Upcoming Sessions thread on roll20 or the Discord Channel to see when the next game is and what level at which you can play. We try to be very accommodating so if a game routinely doesn't work for you, talk to other players and see if you can get a group for a time not listed.