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[[DH2E]] The Cold of Uthirin Prime

From the journal of Trooper Henri Fitzgerald of the 305th Regiment The snow has come down thicker last night than the whole past month combined. As if there wasn't enough frozen hell before and behind to make me miss the blistering summers back home. Our platoon is currently bogged down, awaiting resupply many of the boys are saying will never come. There have been some strange folk, big shots from the look of it, making their way around the camp. Lieutenant Harold says we're to keep our eyes down if we know what is good for us. If we knew what was good for us we wouldn't be here with this damned detachment that's for sure. Rumors have started to spread. Bog down an army and the troopers become gossipy old women real quick it seems. These folk seem intent on solving our little issue of resupply, but there are other whispers. They're looking for someone, or something... and they don't intend to invite whatever it be to a cup of tea. - The Lieutenant's gone missing. No blood, no fussed up quarters... just missing. The guests seem to be highly agitated at this point, Bardisk swore he heard one of them cursing about Xenos filth. Then again, Bardisk also swears that it isn't all that cold on this forsaken damn planet. We've got orders, resupply or no, we move out sunrise tomorrow. They still haven't exactly said where or what for, but I've survived long enough to stop asking the stupid questions. If nothing else maybe the forced march on a light meal will help get the boys off talking about boogiemen for awhile. Dark Heresy Campaign Teaser: OOC System: DH2E Seats: 4, Valued Players have preferred seating (1 Available) Char Gen: Standard Exp: Base 1000, Additional based on characters. Sources Allowed: Core Rules, Enemies Within, Enemies Without Class/Race: No Adeptus Soroiatas/Sisters of Battle. Houserules: None at the moment. Campaign Type: Short Narritive, 1-4 Sessions Combat: Medium-Heavy Roleplay: Medium-Heavy Maturity: Medium-Heavy - Violence, Language, Typos Schedule: Staggered, Sat/Sun as group is available. Once seats are filled we will be getting underway. - Requesting: One player take on the role of Imperial Guard Trooper Fitzgerald of the 305 th . This is not 100% needed, but if someone is interested please let me know so we can go over the character details to confirm. I also intend to record all sessions involved in this to see how it goes towards perhaps making a series, or if nothing else just to have the vods to look back as a group and enjoy.

Edited 1449686750
Very interested. Just need to know; timezone?
My time zone is CST (IE it was 1244 when you posted, and 1348 when I am doing so) I would say -5GMT but DLS always messes with my head
Seats are still open: Currently the warband consists of a damage dealing, middling social character. Again, soon as seats are filled I intend to get characters plugged in, and then setup a weekend to get this rolling.
Currently 1 Open seat left unreserved.
All seats currently reserved. You are still welcome to note your interest should a player opt out.
Two seats have reopened.
I'd be interested in checking it out. If you'd like to hear more about me and tell me more about your game in turn, I'd like that :-)
One seat open.
I'm interested, and know 40k decently well. I would appreciate some info on the start times and days, and to talk about what I need to play.  Message me soon, if you could.
One seat is open: Please do not send a request to join unless you have intent to be prompt in your response as we have a group of players who have been very patient up to this point and I will not be as lenient any longer with delinquent replies.