Hello and welcome to Mongoose Traveller: The Fifth Frontier War. The Artemis Group (newly re-named) is currently docked at Darrian in the Darrian Confederation. This rag-tag group of various races has weathered war, adventure, intrigue, political and social winds in the Spinward Marches . I, Pakkrat am both the current and cycling GM for the the years of 1107 to 1110, the duration of the Fifth Frontier War. Then I will cycle out and another GM will take my place. The Artemis Group flies around in an 800dT Mercenary Cruiser furnished by a retired Star Marine Colonel Lloyd Robertson. The company is privately owned with the retired Colonel holding a majority of the shares. Such shares are up for purchase but will only feed the Colonel's retirement fund. Character creation should welcome someone who is not so specialized and can cover a broad band of tasks so as to minimize game boredom. Shipboard, planetside, social and technical skills are all welcome. Characters who muster out with Contacts, Allies are especially welcome as such brings in more mission-tickets to Artemis. Currently the ship's roster includes: Captain Jacob Crow, Imperium Naval Gunner and Engineer Dr. Simone, Imperium Ship's Medic Senior Scout Gevaudan "Gev" Cannagrrh, ethnic and Equal Vargr Pilot-Astrogator on the Ares Former Agent Larzamonte Charoux, Darrian tech-hunter Hane Meson, a street-level, grass-roots Jack-of-All-Trades and company lawyer William Johnson, corporate desk jockey and Steward 8 Turret Robots armed with shotguns Ship's long-term passengers include: Dame Qithka Cannagrrh, Equal Vargr, Gevaudan's Knighted elder sister, magazine reporter Uthka Varzeekh, Unequal Vargr, the Dame's eccentric attache and fortuneteller? Witness, a TL14 magazine drone robot recording everything the Dame experiences for the magazine Kfan Uzangou <White Fangs> Cybernetics and Psionics are present in the game but are on a Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell basis. Yet the ship and personnel have suffered enough experiences to take precautions against mental intrusion. Missions come in the form of mercenary tickets negotiated by Larzamonte Charoux, Hane Meson and Captain Crow. Random Encounters are included in daily activities and can be a source of adventure individually. Then there is the overarching metaplot blanketed by the Fifth Frontier War lasting from 1107 to 1110 with some events immediately following. Finally, the Ares conducts mercantile runs utilizing ship's cargo, extra staterooms, and clout to make spending cash on the side. Applicants are encouraged to approach the Ares docking terminal and contact the Artemis Group. Currently undergoing ship repairs, the drydock is the current home to the Artemis Group and their home office while in orbit above Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627).The game makes use of the Mumble VoIP program so players can speak to each other and interact both in-character and out-of-character or to the GM. Players should be aware that some character interactions take place in the game's chat-box. Stay alert. The game is laid-back and a character can conceivably survive a session without ever rolling dice or taking an action other than to follow fellow shipmates around. There is an extensive art gallery available in the Drawing Thread that gives a pictorial log of this long-running campaign. Feel free to add an in-character journal if the player is a writer of any means. Enjoy The Fifth Frontier War.