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LFP What's a good time for you?

Sorry about the vague title, but I wanted opinions from everyone, not just potential players. Chances are, I'll get people signing up who didn't respond to my vague request for availabilities, so any advice I can get about the popular times for role playing would be great. To make things more interesting, I live in Australia South Australia (that's Adelaide time if you don't know your geography), but it's university holidays right now, and I'm not sure what my study timetable will be when I start studying again. Also, what's an appropriate session length? If you have time advice for me, post it now. Otherwise, read on to find out about my game. The System The system is completely home brew d6 system. To get started, pick a name, choose if you want your +1 ability bonus to strength, charisma or talent, and then flesh out your personality. You are now ready to begin. Strength: Physical health, speed and muscle mass Charisma: Getting NPCs to do what you want them to do Talent: Anything that doesn't involve Strength or Charisma in any way Maximum roll gives a permanent +1 to the exact task you were attempting (stackable only with your +1 ability bonus). This means every roll has a bonus of 0 to 2. Your bonus is added to a d6 roll, but if you roll a natural 1, you must reroll with a -1 penalty. (The reroll is never rerolled.) This means that the final result can be anywhere from 0 to 6. 0 to 2 modifier to 0 to 6 roll gives 0 to 8 result, which is compared with the table below. 8 always succeeds (even if the laws of physics need to bend slightly to accommodate it) 7 succeeds at any task that would require a Guinness World Record level of performance 6 succeeds at any very difficult task 5 succeeds at any difficult task 4 succeeds at any mildly difficult task 3 succeeds at any basic task 2 always fails 1 always fails 0 always fails Combat in this system is very rare, and if it does occur it is resolved in a single roll. Style My style for this particular game is very "off the rails". That is, I have a map, I have a pretty good idea of everything within about 30 miles of you, but I have no idea which direction you will go or what you will do when you arrive.  There will be no "puzzles" of any kind, and the only "quests" you experience are the ones you invent for yourselves. (None of the NPCs you meet are "quest givers" in the WoW sense, but they may do business with you if you have a good enough proposal.) When the PCs fight with each other about what to do next, I will not arbitrate it. If you agree to disagree and go your separate ways, the smaller group has officially "left the game" but will be invited to create new characters that would be interested in tagging along. This can lead to situations where 3 characters want to do something stupid and 2 want to do something sensible, so the sensible characters get booted, but I don't care. If the stupid idea was more popular, it was probably more fun too. Majority rules! If my game gets popular enough, I may run multiple campaigns so that all the stupid characters can play in one group and all the sensible characters can play in the other. Don't ask me which will be more fun to GM. I honestly don't know.  If anyone finds themselves in the dilemma between staying in character and staying with the party, I recommend staying in character, walking that character off into the sunset, and then quickly creating a new character. (I've had to act out-of-character to stay with the party before. It's not fun.) Joining and Leaving Midway If you're not having fun, go. Leaving the game during a critical moment won't hurt the game anywhere near as much as staying. All I ask is that you describe your character's final moments with the group before they leave and/or get killed. If you have a friend who'd love this game, bring them along next session! I'll help them make a character on the fly. No problem at all! If you skip sessions there is a very good chance that you'll need to play a completely new character when you return. The Backstory Since the release of Fallout 4 back in 2015, satirically living in fallout shelters became popular. The largest of these, constructed in 2019 officially earned the title of Vault 222 from Bethesda and boasted to be a fully functioning replica as depicted in Fallout 5. In 2020, no one was certain what happened, but all sensors suggest an atomic weapon was detonated, origin unknown. It is now 2071 and sensors are finally showing radiation levels have reached a safe low. You all met together, planning to leave as a group. Together, you have submitted a detailed plan and you are called to the council to get your plan approved. Your story begins here. Questions? Hit me up with all your questions. I look forward to hearing which important details I forgot to cover.
d&d ?
No Heskan, not D&D
can i try your game ?
Heskan, post your availability and I will see what I can do