From my conversations with Pakkrat in setting up this mission: Tenacious-Techhunter: Charoux will be bringing a series of game boards and game pieces, and challenge Gidjet to "a game, to assess her strategic ability"; in actuality, they're all tactical board games, a distinction that will be lost to many, probably her as well, but not to some significant figures in the crowd; but Charoux will be keeping true to his word . He'll specifically tell Gidjet to "pick a board and a set of pieces", and specifically not say to "pick a game". The subtle, potentially unnoticed difference being, that Charoux will be picking the game; a simple custom set of house rules applicable to any board game with pieces: "Thermal Last-Man-Standing". "Thermal Last-Man-Standing" is a strategic game variant of any tactical game. As a player touches a piece, they increase the temperature of the piece, bringing it closer to its melting point. So a player must play fast as well as careful, and avoid using the same pieces over and over again. As applied to Chess or Checkers for example, overusing, and thus, overheating, the same piece will result in its destruction by sudden catastrophic melting; a shock Gidjet will not be prepared for, having mistaken the rules of the game they are playing. The game requires balancing defending against an attack with attacking unused pieces that are more dangerous in the long term. The pieces will be made from materials just one Technology Level higher than Gidjet's experience, to enable the subterfuge and increase the drama of the spontaneous melting, while still keeping the lesson valuable. This combination of violated expectations will illustrate Charoux's intended lessons in a non-threatening, but striking manner: Fighting Tactically when you should be fighting Strategically is a mistake. In a war, the enemy won't be playing by the rules you expect. If you aren't capable of knowing the technological capabilities of your enemy, you will be caught off guard; often fatally so. You need to leverage all your advantages in a war, technology included, or you will fail. You need to understand the advantages and limits of all the resources at your disposal, technology and technologists included. You need to utilize all your resources efficiently, and not overwork them. Charoux doesn't see Gidjet as a bad person; just misguided. What Gidjet proposes isn't going to work, in spite of her good intentions; and Charoux believes that, by conveying that message, she'll stand down for the time being. Charoux would like to see Gidjet work in whatever city on the planet has the most hospitals, dealing with those hard-luck cases that the medical institutions can't or won't handle themselves. She'll have all the benevolent work she wants, and all the time off she needs. But, by making clear how strategically weak her position is, no one will follow her lead on such a grand sweeping effort ever again. Of course, Charoux has been taking what she's been doing at face-value. She could be part of something much more sinister going on behind the scenes. Or, she could be manipulating the crowd on purpose. But what will happen during the game in those circumstances will be very revealing. If someone tells her the game is rigged, they'll need to use increased TL knowledge to do so; and if she uses that information to win, she will be cheating her own values; the conscientious thing to do would be to ask for a stalemate, or forfeit. Of course, if she knows about the pieces on her own, and plays to win, she'll have been revealed as a fraud that knows more than their background could possibly allow. And if she's really not the pacifist she claims to be, well, Charoux could well be in deep trouble . Pakkrat: If this is indeed Charoux' modus operendi for approaching Gidjet, then we need to talk. Yes, his plan will work after he sees her losing at the game. She will cheat only in the fact that she too heals fantastically fast also at a cost to her energy reserves. She tires even as she loses the game. But she is truly self-sacrificing during the game. It will be painfully obvious to Charoux in playing against her, she is way out of her league as some form of religious leader. She is truly no more than a gifted country bumpkin from Rorre. Intensely curious, but drained of energy most days, she has a support team of assistants to handle the higher-TL stuff for her. But since Charoux is going to visit her before a crowd of followers and a line of the infirm waiting to be healed, he is definitely in "deep trouble". Then begs the question: who did Charoux bring with him? Let's discuss the skills in use in this Encounter as well. It is well thought and there are details I must reveal during the gaming. Tenacious-Techhunter: Let me be clear; before Charoux does this, he's still going to have the team come up with a backup plan to keep him safe while he does this. And again, he's going to have Doctor Simone and the new Medic running triage, to reduce Gidjet's load, so she can do as well as she legitimately can. It's worth noting that if Gidjet's assistants start trying to respond to non-violence with violence, that sabotages their plans too. Pakkrat: Acknowledged. We are setting the stage. There are still some dice to roll. Charoux gets to place his pieces. So do I, the GM. Tenacious-Techhunter: Well, it's a bit early for that; the rest of the team still has to approve this plan... which they might not. I was just trying to help you plan ahead, so we can arrange for the start of the Gidjet operation to take place at the end of a roleplaying session, if there was nothing interesting that would be going on while the game was being played... which, apparently, there is, so there's really no need for that. XD