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Mutants and Masterminds Game Anyone?


Edited 1453251253
I am wanting to start a M&M3E game with maybe 3 or 4 players plus a GM. I am new, so if anyone wants to be the GM, I am happy to just be a player. Or I can try my hand at running something. Let me know if you are interested, what your level of experience with the system is and maybe what sort of campaign you would want to be in.
I'd be interested depending on time and tone. Pretty familiar with the M&M, not so much Roll20. I do prefer Heroic Super Hero Campaigns. Not much into the Punisher, Authority style.
Maybe Freedom League campaign, then? At least tone-wise?
The method that you intend to use for the game (text, voice or video) would also be helpful, as well as the desired times.
I am putting together a Super Hero Campaign for a friend now, I want to use M&M 3e for it cause of how accurately you can tweak powers...but he is being one of "those Players" who uses "common sence" where he ommits effects from the complete power cause "Oh, but naturally I could just TRANSFORM this to this so I don't need CREATE to create things". If I can get him to understand better I may be able to GM the game for you with him in it. I have been rolling M&M since 2e, I even have a folder with 200+ characters in it called "Bag-O-Bagguys". Will let you know if I can get him to come around or if I'm going to switch the campaign to ICONS or Prowlers & Paragons (Both of which are very Rules Light RP systems).
Megan Jones said: The method that you intend to use for the game (text, voice or video) would also be helpful, as well as the desired times. He asked for a GM, and those are usually up for the GM to decide alongside the person requesting the game. GM + Request Poster + Others. Players will have to wait till a GM is decided before those factors are revealed.
If I run it, it would be voice meeting every other week, day to be decided by schedules. I would guess if someone else runs it, these would possibly change.
I'd be interested if something comes together. M&M 3rd and DC Adventures are the same system, and I think most would never pick a 'Freedom League' over a Justice League.
Good point - I didn't realize they were the same, but now that I have looked at it, I am good with that, as well. Might be able to just pick a PL and everyone choose an appropriate character, at least until the group is comfortable with the system. If we do that, I am entirely cool with running something myself, as long as we all are willing to be patient with learning the rules.

Edited 1453353788
I don't suppose anyone here is still looking for some players for a M&M game are they?
No one has started let alone joined a group, so yes. :)
Ah, well good to know... It is surprisingly difficult to find someone looking to run a M&M game... Or a superhero game at all, you'd think with the amount of superhero movies either coming out or that have been released there would be more interest in running one.
Anthony F. said: Ah, well good to know... It is surprisingly difficult to find someone looking to run a M&M game... Or a superhero game at all, you'd think with the amount of superhero movies either coming out or that have been released there would be more interest in running one. The problem is M&M is the most popular superhero system because of how you can create all these different heroes, but it's by FAR the hardest system I've been involved in running.  The system itself is dense and open to so many different play styles that it's hard to balance encounters.  It's also a big problem because the GM is essentially attempting to write a superhero team book.  If you look through comics history, the ratio of good team books to bad ones is pretty low.  They're just harder to write because it's hard to treat anyone as a threat.  Plus, M&M is so swingy in combat that you can have a fight take 90 minutes or not even a round, depending on how well everyone rolls (frankly, the combat reflects solo superheroes far better than groups IMO). Having said that, there is a VERY supportive community around it who will welcome anyone who's willing to put the time and effort into trying to run it.  So I'd recommend giving it a shot.  Just make sure you let potential players know your GM skill level prior to the game.
Fair point I suppose, I personally think (and this opinion I've heard from and now share with a GM form a M&M game I sadly didn't have a chance to be a part of due to people dropping.) is that one of the most important things to do before a M&M game is to get everyone together first, and have them explain in detail, what they want to play in regards to setting, theme and character... And to have everyone agree on something before anything....  And all that was just a clunky way of saying: Everyone needs to be on the same page and willing to go in the same direction, prior to anything else. Otherwise... well, never seen it myself but from what I've heard, it's not pretty.   All that said, I see what you're saying with the difficulty and denseness, still I wish that there were more people willing and able to run it. 
The sad thing is I want to play in a Champions game, but I am so much more afraid of it being too dense. But I think it has a better mechanical system for superheroics, especially since M&M is based on d20, which has never really worked outside D&D/Pathfinder, in my opinion. But I really want to play a superhero game!!!!

Edited 1453358217
Hmm, I might suggest Icons. That is a rather nice  system, rules light yet at the same time customizable enough to build most any type of character if you go with the point-buy variant rules... And it's a d6 system. And I've heard nice things about Savage Worlds, and the newer marvel super hero rpg. That said if someone is down to run an icons game, I might have a couple of players looking for a superhero game. Edit: And if I'm not mistaken, Icons was made by the same guy that did M&M, only he made it to be simpler.
Anthony F. said: Fair point I suppose, I personally think (and this opinion I've heard from and now share with a GM form a M&M game I sadly didn't have a chance to be a part of due to people dropping.) is that one of the most important things to do before a M&M game is to get everyone together first, and have them explain in detail, what they want to play in regards to setting, theme and character... And to have everyone agree on something before anything....  And all that was just a clunky way of saying: Everyone needs to be on the same page and willing to go in the same direction, prior to anything else. Otherwise... well, never seen it myself but from what I've heard, it's not pretty.   All that said, I see what you're saying with the difficulty and denseness, still I wish that there were more people willing and able to run it.  Haha I set up my game with the premise of old school Marvel (like 70s-80s) and like 3/4 of the group built Doom Patrol type characters.
Yeah, that's about the type of stories I've heard... Still hopefully someone will show up willing to run... I've got a few friends who are interested in a fantasy-esque M&M game, like Conan or Thor with the 3 warriors, maybe Red Sonja. And I'm dying to play. 
If I run it, it would be modern day, just so you all know.
Eh, I'm sure compromises can be made on both side... Possibly fantasy themed heroes  or beings in a modern setting, like JL dark or maybe Fables. Instead  of conan the barbarian like setting.

Edited 1453427218
Okay, so I took the plunge - here is the link to the game ad:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Note that the date and time are at the moment placeholders - they will change once the group is decided.
Awesome, I hope you find some players for it... I'd apply myself, however my friends aren't budging on the fantasy aspect sadly.... So I continue to search.
My friend&nbsp; didn't grasp M&M very well so it looks like I'll be rolling an ICONS game for him instead. After the campaign is over I will be happy to GM an M&M 3e in the future if you want. I checked my backlog of campaigns I have written and I have 33 Usable adventures (all of differant ganre and tone since I use M&M for than just super heroes). Hope you assemble a group that makes for an awesome adventure.

Edited 1453467709
Seedle said: My friend&nbsp; didn't grasp M&M very well so it looks like I'll be rolling an ICONS game for him instead. After the campaign is over I will be happy to GM an M&M 3e in the future if you want. I checked my backlog of campaigns I have written and I have 33 Usable adventures (all of differant ganre and tone since I use M&M for than just super heroes). Hope you assemble a group that makes for an awesome adventure. Well, if you're speaking to me and offering to run, then I'd love to take you up on the offer, I have a few people that would be interested in playing a M&M game, and could probably find some others as well. So if you are offering, send me a pm once the Icons game with your friend is over and we can talk details... Or maybe before that, so myself and my friends have an idea of what day(s) to keep open and talk game specifics with a bit more depth. &nbsp;&nbsp; That said, hope you and your friend have fun, happy gaming.
Payton Glasses
Roll20 Production Team
I'd like to throw my hand into the basket. Time restraints still being a thing, but I would like to be notified of you guys have a spot to fill. I have experience in GMing for M&M, but I'd to be the player for once.
Payton, apply - spots have not been chosen yet.
Payton Glasses
Roll20 Production Team
Oh thanks, I was looking at this on my phone and it didn't load all of the stuff. It still looked like an idea, not a thing to apply for yet. :)