So here's the schtick: I am the DM of a livestream Twitch game group called Exploding Dice. We meet every Sunday at 8PM, and we broadcast ourselves playing Pathfinder, currently the Jade Regent adventure path. We are looking to fill a spot in our group, and we want to find someone who is great to hang out with, funny, and a great roleplayer to join us and have fun. Some of our players need a little help breaking out of their shells, and I'd like someone who is comfortable in the saddle who can set an example. Applicants should be comfortable with the fact that this is a livestream game, meaning there is a (small, but hopefully growing) audience tuning in. This doesn't really change how the game is played, but it's a pretty central facet. As such, all of our players use Skype voice chat and webcams. We'd like you to be able to provide both as well, as viewers want to see your pretty face as you react to strange and outrageous events unfolding in front of you. Bonuses that would bump an applicant up to the top of the list would include experience with any forms of livestreaming (the channel does run other content, so if you have a show of your own, we can help eachother), or the desire to get involved and help out. First time streamers who are excited to try are welcome! Now on to the weird details: -Pathfinder, Golarion setting. -Core races only, though the party has elected to all be humans. -20 point buy -Two traits, three with a drawback. -Background skill rules being used. I don't really want to talk character concepts right away, so please don't contact me with one up front. Once we've spoken one-on-one, I'll sit down and discuss the setting stuff and building a character with the chosen player. I don't want to spam links here, so if you'd like to see some back episodes to see how the group performs, I can send Youtube links to our back sessions. That's all for now. If you have questions or want to express interest, feel free to PM me here, or get to me on Skype, where I'm Askren- Thanks for reading.