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Talk to Myself Not Working With Macros?

I could have sworn the  /talktomyself command worked perfectly fine with macros (regular or API-based, like PowerCards). When we tried using it this weekend, no macros would show up in people's personal "talking to themselves" chat view.

Edited 1453748359
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
From the wiki: Talk to Myself To turn off your chat display for all others, including the GM and the chat archive recording, use /talktomyself or /talktomyself on . Use /talktomyself again or use /talktomyself off to disable. Note: the /talktomyself command and what you want to say must be on different lines and you cannot use it in the same macro as what you want to keep hidden. Recommendation is to have a separate macro to toggle the talktomyself state and then use your other macros that actually do what you want. Example: /talktomyself This is my evil secret plan to steal the gold from my party! /talktomyself Note: API commands (a Pro subscription feature) will not be executed when /talktomyself is on. Normal macros should be fine as long as they are on a secondary line.
Ahh dangit!  Could have sworn it was working with PowerCard tests I did the other week. Thanks for the clarification.
Forum Champion
You can add a --whisper|self tag to your PowerCards macros to "talk to yourself".
Yup. That will definitely work and was a feature long before /talktomyself... :D
Thanks, I have been using that for all my NPC/Monster macros. Was hoping I could use TTMS as a global macro for the players to spam all their macros and test their abilities without flooding the chat. I'll let them know they can add that tag to a custom macro if they want to do that.