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Synovia x Vrinn's mother morning of Neth 23

Synovia wakes in the morning, and takes extra care with her morning preparations. She wears her best everyday clothes, and dons her armor which she usually does not wear in town.Around 7 am she heads out to search for Vrinn's mother. She stops by the Garrison to inquire if the Elven woman left word of where she was staying. Upon gaining the information, she head toward the location. When she arrives, she addresses the Elven guards. "I would like to speak with your Lady, if she is available."
Vinadea comes out from the Kaijitsu Manor doors in an elven tunic, cloak and pants. She has her usual stoic expression. "I saw you coming up the lane. I understand this was previously your home and yet you lent it to Farnsworth's business." She nods at this. "You're charitable," she states plainly. 
"Thank you, my Lady, I was actually Vrinn's idea, one that I did not, at first agree with, but your son can be persuasive." Synovia pauses for a moment as she gathers her thoughts, then continues, "I would like to ask you to bare with me, as I am not as gifted with words as my brother Miro nor as charming as you son. Am i correct in assuming that you are a woman who appreciates candor?"
Vinadea nods. "I find it the best path in life." 
Syn nods " First, I wanted to apologize for my behavior last night. Although I do feel that you overstepped your bounds by criticizing something you do not understand, I should not have reacted in the way I did. After you left, and I ranted at Balor for a few minutes about how he delt with you, he asked me how I would have dealt with the situation. I thought about it for a minute well a few minutes actually. I decided that maybe you did not mean to be condescending and imperious, maybe you were just a mother worried about her son. So, I thought  that maybe, I could help you understand and maybe help you keep an open mind. So, if you have the time, I would like to tell you a story about a goblin, a small town girl, and the power of change."
Vinadea's expression never changes. "I'll save you the hassle of recounting everything, Synovia Pais. The story of Ole Bob, Bobole, the goblin that came here to stop another Goblin War is known to me. Furthermore, I have met Chunder the unlikely cleric and his delivery under unusual circumstances of The Great Book of Bobole that you have here in your library. I am over a century old and I have seen many things change and many things not change. I have seen things appear to change." She steps to the side and motions for Synovia to come in. "I will hear what you have to say so that I may judge better this strange wind."
Synovia follows her inside. After getting settled, Synovia begins " I am sure you know of the Late Unpleasantness five years ago, What you may not know is that I am an orphan of that night. I watched helpless as my entire clan burned to death in the fire that destroyed the Temple. I vowed that night that I would never be helpless again. I thought much like you, that the only good goblin was a dead one. When Bobole came to Sandpoint I was ready to kill him. Then Miro stepped up and well you know the rest. I watched Bobole go from a naive child who thought he could come into town say a few words and save his people to a person who realized that change brings hard choices and sacrifice. He fought beside me, Miro, and Vrinn . Risked his life for us and Sandpoint too many times to count. He changed the lives of everyone he touched."  she pauses to get a handle on her rising emotions, then continues. " Then there's Gildy. The first time we met she wanted to kill us, but Vrinn charmed her and we escaped. The next time we saw her she was with Vrinn's brother as part of a minstrel act. She was not the goblin you met yesterday she was void of purpose, her clan had taken her fangs, and banished her. With the help of Bobole, Vrinn, Miro, and a set of perfectly goblin sized boobs, she found a purpose , to help those of her people that wanted a better life. The point I am trying to make, my lady, is that given a willing heart, the willingness to work hard and guidance anyone can change. What we are doing here is not an experiment. It is, hopefully, an inspiration to others." She stops long enough to study the Elven woman then states, "I don't expect you to accept and change your whole way of thinking over night. However, I do expect you to live up to the reputation of your people as being  enlightened and to keep an open mind. I am sure you'll agree that even at 100 yrs old you should never stop learning and growing." Syn signs "well I have taken up enuogh of your time. If you have not already, I invite you to tour the Glassworks with me and see the goblins first hand."
Vinadea stares at Synovia, her face a mask of unmoved consideration. "You should count how many of the goblins have the Mark of Lamashtu," she says franky. "In case the mother of monsters, decided to enact her control over those goblins and tear down the fragile peace you have constructed." She turns her head and considers the gardens. "You should also make sure none of them bear the mark of the Goblin Gods, as they gods serve Lamashtu and she could utilize them in her control efforts. I take it you're aware that Desna is Lamashtu's enemy and their divine war has centered uniquely on your town. I've already had to kill a goblin outside of town bearing such a mark, carving a strange seven pointed star on the body of a dog." She turns her gaze back and Synovia, face as stone.
Synovia, concerned with this news, asks " Was this on your way here? How far from town did you come across him? Where you able to discern his tribe? I am familiar with the mark of Lamashtu, however, the marks of the Goblin Gods I do not know. Would It be possible for you to drew them for me so that I would know what to look for? Did you inform Hemlock of these developments?" 
Vinadea raises her brow. "I don't know the tribes, obviously. I'm not from here. But it was about a mile out of town." She nods and draws a rough rune in the sand, similar to the Sihedron. "Something like this? Hurry and bring Belor here. I'll send one of my men to see what remains and report back. What seems a common stalk may yet prove to be a blade in disguise." She turns on her heel, walking swiftly back to her men.
Synovia, seeing the wisdom in the plan, bites back a sarcastic remark, looks at the drawing and says "Yes, that is the same symbol. I will go and speak with Balor."