Greetings Roll20 Community! We are currently seeking a few individuals to help us on a volunteer basis with the upkeep and editing of the&nbsp; SRD5 and&nbsp; Pathfinder data on the&nbsp; Compendium . Anyone interested in helping must have experience with the System Reference Document and Open Gaming License for either (or both) of these games and must have some basic text editing experience (wiki editing) in order to help. Wanna add a new system? Our intent is to absolutely add other game systems that are OGL-licensed. Anyone familiar with the System Reference Document for another game that falls under an Open Gaming License is welcome to email us about adding it to the Compendium for consideration. Looking to help us translate the Compendium? We are certainly interested in bringing translated versions of the Compendium to Roll20 and we are currently working on the logistics of this process. While we are not sure of an exact timeline for translations, we would like to open up communication for anyone interested in helping translate the Compendium or our SRD5 Sheet into another language. If you are interested in helping with any of the items above, please contact <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> for consideration. Make sure to include your experience with SRD & OGL documents, basic text editing, and which system you are willing to help with - SRD5, Pathfinder, or something new!