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SRD Monster issues


Edited 1455477423
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Not really sure where this belongs so please move it if this is not the correct place. Monsters have some errors in the SRD: Under "Speed" and "Senses" feet are listed as "Ft." while in the MM and SRD they are listed as "ft." Under "Speed", "Senses", and "Languages" the types are capitalized while the book does not have them capitalized. For example "Swim", "Darkvision", and "Telepathy" on an Aboleth. Traits are missing from the list of attributes Actions are not included in the attributes beyond a very basic thing that assume everything is an attack (doesn't work for saving throws) Legendary actions are not included For actions I would suggest including the full text and letting a sheet parse it. Or pre-parse it with everything needed. For traits I'd suggest either including the whole thing and let a sheet parse it or split it up to name/recharge/content. Hopefully these items can be fixed/added. As I've mentioned in the past I'd happily help with the D&D 5e SRD.

Edited 1455387540
Sheet Author
API Scripter
One other issue is if I set "character_name" to accept "Name" it then reloads the whole sheet before any other post-processing goes off. It would be great to prevent this.. otherwise I'll have to try to figure out some timeout fix or not do it at all. EDIT: I tried saving it in another field and changing "character_name" after a timeout, but timeout makes it lose the context of "this" presumably. Character Sheet Error: Trying to do getAttrs when no character is active in sandbox. I tried to bind "this" as well, but that didn't help setTimeout(function() { updateNPCName(); }.bind(this), 1000);

Edited 1455401909
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Kryx, I'm going to shift this thread to the open topic. Thank you for your posting and letting the devs be aware of what you found.

Edited 1455404241
Sheet Author
API Scripter
For anyone else that comes along this it seems this is all in the content. <input type="hidden" name="attr_npc_content" accept="Content"> Which is then parsed: var contentarray = v.npc_content; if(contentarray && contentarray.indexOf("Legendary Actions") > -1) {     temp = contentarray.split(/Legendary Actions\n/)     var legendaryactionsarray = temp[1];     contentarray = temp[0]; } I'll do the same then. Everything should be considered resolved besides the "character_name" and "Ft." issues then
Yeah, you can't do timeouts in the Sheet Workers due to the internal structure. Not sure what's going on with the name thing but I'll take a look. On the capitalization stuff, is that something that is blocking something you're doing or did you just notice the discrepancy? I think there are a lot of places where our capitalization is going to differ slightly from the official SRD just due to the way that we do our auto-linking in the Compendium...

Edited 1455551584
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Capitalization doesn't block me. I can fix it on my end, but that would be a LOT of processing for all those fields as it is on everything: damage types (Acid, Cold, etc), armor description (natural armor), etc. It also looks weird on the compendium as it doesn't match. Let me know if that's something you'll address or if I have to. :( The name issue is a bigger one. It would be super nice to have the sheet name automatically update when dragging in a creature. Thanks Riley!
This seems to have gotten lost, so I'll just put it here: The Ghoul data on roll20 does not match what's in the SRD (condition immunities on roll20 only lists poisoned but the SRD says charmed, exhaustion, and poisoned).
Hi, Ben F. Rest assured that your feedback has definitely not been lost on the Roll20 Dev Team. Thank you for your patience as we update the Compendium.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Riley any info on populating name or the capitalization issues? Capitalization is everywhere. :S
As I said previously, the capitalization is a part of our auto-linking stuff on the Compendium. I'm not really sure why the capitalization being different is a big problem, though. I think we value having the ability to auto-link between things more than we value having our capitalization exactly match the SRD, so it's probably not going to change on our end. The one exception to that is the "Ft." vs "ft.", I will most likely fix that since it's not auto-linking to anything anyway. I am planning to fix the name issue, should be sometime this week.

Edited 1455727811
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The current solution to auto-link of capitalization (Swim, Darkvision, etc) or extra words (Plate Armor, Leather Armor, etc) does not seem to work for example on the armor table where the armors are listed as "Plate" or "Padded", but don't auto link as they don't have "Armor" added on. The same is true under "Donning and Doffing" where armor types are listed as Light Armor, Heavy Armor, but "Light" for example links to the spell "Light" and "Heavy" links to the "Heavy" property. D&D 5e (and the SRD) purposefully chose to format words in a certain way so it seems quite important to adhere to the choices they made for sake of consistency for the user.

Edited 1455749904
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
I've deployed a fix to Dev that should fix the issues that were happening when you were setting the Character Name. Now if you are using character sheets, the name on the sheet will update right away, and the name in the Journal sidebar will update right away, the name on the dialog box itself will not update until it's closed and re-opened, though (that's what was causing it to all need to re-render). So hopefully that helps. I've also updated the Compendium to change the "Ft." to "ft." for the Speed on the Monsters. We also noticed that the Reaction fields for Monsters weren't being included so that is also now included. It looks like the WotC standard is basically just to capitalize the first letter in the "field", e.g. "Resistances: First one, second one, third one", so you can pretty easily fix that in your Sheet Worker script if you want to by just doing: function capitalizeFirstLetter(string){    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+string.toLowerCase().slice(1); }
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thanks for the fixes. :)
Ben F. said: This seems to have gotten lost, so I'll just put it here: The Ghoul data on roll20 does not match what's in the SRD (condition immunities on roll20 only lists poisoned but the SRD says charmed, exhaustion, and poisoned). Just to add to this, Ghoul data missing damage immunity (poison) in the roll20 compendium (it's in the SRD)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
FYI Ancient Black Dragon has Legendary Resistance twice.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Ghoul and Ancient Black Dragon Issues should be fixed now.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ancient Black again: Bite has "+ 15 to hit" when it should be "+15 to hit".
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Ancient Black Dragon's Bite attack fixed.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ancient White Dragon under the content: Cold Breath "taking 72 (l6d8) cold damage on a failed save" should be parsed properly to be "16d8". Thanks!
The Aaron said: Ghoul and Ancient Black Dragon Issues should be fixed now. Ghoul still missing Damage immunity, but condition immunities are fixed.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Kryx said: Ancient White Dragon under the content: Cold Breath "taking 72 (l6d8) cold damage on a failed save" should be parsed properly to be "16d8". Thanks! Fixed. Ben F. said: The Aaron said: Ghoul and Ancient Black Dragon Issues should be fixed now. Ghoul still missing Damage immunity, but condition immunities are fixed. Immunities Poison added.