I apologize if any of these are already available, but I can't see a way to accomplish these.
I would like to request the following enhancements to tokens:
1) As a GM I would like my players to be able to view the numeric values of a token's bars (green, blue, and red) even if the players do not control the token.
This may be accomplished by adding the following Token-level Player Permission switches to tokens:
a) Can select - If true, the players can select the token and the appropriate controls appear. (E.g., if the player can only view trhe red bar, then when they select the token, they see the red circle with the numeric value for the red value in it.)
b) Can move - Only available if Can Select = true.If this is false but "Can Select" is true, they user can select the token but can not move it. (This accomplishes my goal of allowing teh players to view the numeric values of the bars without controlling the token.)
2) if coding for #1, above, then also add the following token-level permission switch:
Can set status - Only available if Can Select = true. If this is true, then the user can use the status control to place various status icons on the token.
3) Re: Player Permissions, as a GM, I would like to be able to do the following:
3a) Set a global value for new tokens so that all tokens I add to a game have the default settings. (E.g., we only us the Red Bar for players in a game I run, so I would like all of my tokens to default to GM controls the token but not the players and the players can view but not edit the red bar and view no other bars.)
3b) Allow me to change all Player Permissions on a token with one click. (E.g., allow me to turn off Edit permissions for all items with one click instead of having to un-check Edit for 6 different properties for every single token I place.)
4) As a GM I would like to be able to put tokens on the map layer but still have their bars show up to players. As-is, if I place a token on the map layer, neither players nor the GM can see the bars.
I would like to request the following enhancements to tokens:
1) As a GM I would like my players to be able to view the numeric values of a token's bars (green, blue, and red) even if the players do not control the token.
This may be accomplished by adding the following Token-level Player Permission switches to tokens:
a) Can select - If true, the players can select the token and the appropriate controls appear. (E.g., if the player can only view trhe red bar, then when they select the token, they see the red circle with the numeric value for the red value in it.)
b) Can move - Only available if Can Select = true.If this is false but "Can Select" is true, they user can select the token but can not move it. (This accomplishes my goal of allowing teh players to view the numeric values of the bars without controlling the token.)
2) if coding for #1, above, then also add the following token-level permission switch:
Can set status - Only available if Can Select = true. If this is true, then the user can use the status control to place various status icons on the token.
3) Re: Player Permissions, as a GM, I would like to be able to do the following:
3a) Set a global value for new tokens so that all tokens I add to a game have the default settings. (E.g., we only us the Red Bar for players in a game I run, so I would like all of my tokens to default to GM controls the token but not the players and the players can view but not edit the red bar and view no other bars.)
3b) Allow me to change all Player Permissions on a token with one click. (E.g., allow me to turn off Edit permissions for all items with one click instead of having to un-check Edit for 6 different properties for every single token I place.)
4) As a GM I would like to be able to put tokens on the map layer but still have their bars show up to players. As-is, if I place a token on the map layer, neither players nor the GM can see the bars.