Improvements: Due to the simplification of roll names with the sheet, there are no longer limitations on automatically rolling damage. However the sheet is configured, the Token Action ability will work properly. NPC Actions are now created. Anything in the Actions section of the NPC sheet will automatically get created. The token actions are enabled automatically now. If this behavior is not desired, there is a configuration on line seven of the script that will allow you to disable the created token actions, simply change showAsTokenAction = true, to showAsTokenAction = false,. If there are any additional features that people would like to see in this script, please let me know. Directions: This is a simple script that takes anything defined in the "Attacks & Spellcasting" section on the 5th Edition OGL sheet for PC, or the Actions section for NPC: and automatically makes a character ability macro, allowing it to be selected as a token action from the Abilities & Attributes tab of the character journal: Simply select the token that represents the character and type "!ta" from the chat box, then open the character journal and switch to the Abilities & Attributes tab and select the abilities that you want shown as token actions: The script is located here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...