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Player Specific Auras

I think it would be cool if an aura could be made visible only to one player.  I have a character in a game who makes a lot of ranged attacks.  It would be nice for me to be able to see at a glance where the limits of my range were in relation to all the tokens on the map.  But I don't want to interfere with everyone else's viewing experience.

Edited 1456271074
Pretty sure you can already do this, however I may be missing something in your post. If you want one player to see an aura: Make sure that player is listed on the "Can be Edited & Controlled By" section of the character sheet. Then so long as the token has an aura and the Edit check box is toggled on in the Player Permissions tab the player and the DM will be able to see the aura. If you want the player to see someone else's aura then that token will either need to have the See check box toggled (which allows all players to see the aura) or the player will need to be on that character's "Can be Edited & Controlled By" list as well; however I don't really see this ever being useful unless there's an apprentice-type NPC that works under the Player's Character. If you want all players to see an aura: As stated above, just check the See check box in the Player Permission's section of the token sheet. If you want just the DM to see the aura: Uncheck the Edit check box then only the DM will see it, even if the player is listed on the "Can be Edited & Controlled By" list (I should have made an acronym for that... Pain to type it out). Edit: If you're not the DM then tell the DM to do that for your character. Only DM's can mess with token's permissions and the CE&CB list (there, I made an acronym).
Thanks for the reply.  I am aware of the token permissions.  I guess the situation is aggravated by the fact that all players in m group can control all player characters.  We like to do that so we can help each other out in various ways.  But, even if we all only controlled only our own characters, the DM would still be able to see any auras right?  That's not optimal in my case.  The person who I least want to clutter and confuse is the DM.  He's got whole other layers to worry about without me discoloring large portions of the map.  Perhaps it would good if the DM could choose not to see a certain aura?  It just seems like the mechanic would be ideal for showing range increments if it could be more limited.
Fair enough, I can understand how a DM can quickly find their screen cluttered with stuff. Perhaps the solution would be toggle-able auras; like each token has an overall check box option of "Show Auras" that can turn on/off all auras. Then the GM or player can just use a quick keyboard command (like ALT+A) to toggle that check box whenever they need to.
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