@RMcD - What Kryx is trying to say is that rolls on the sheet cannot be intercepted and "replaced" with blind rolls. If you wanted blind rolls, they would have to be initiated completely from the API side. For example, a typical roll button on the shaped-sheet produces a roll like this (Greataxe on a character named "Barbarian"): @{Barbarian|output_option} &{template:5e-shaped} {{character_name=@{Barbarian|character_name}}} @{Barbarian|show_character_name} {{title=Greataxe}} {{action=1}} {{reach=5 ft}} {{range=}} {{roll_toggle=1}} {{vs_ac=1}} {{roll1=[[d20cs>20@{Barbarian|d20_mod} + 6[proficient] + 4[Str]]]}} @{Barbarian|roll_setting}cs>20@{Barbarian|d20_mod} + 6[proficient] + 4[Str]]]}} {{targetAC=@{Barbarian|attacks_vs_target_ac}}} {{targetName=@{Barbarian|attacks_vs_target_name}}} 0 {{damage=[[1d12[damage] + 4[Str] + 0[global melee damage bonus]]]}} {{damage_type=slashing}} {{crit_damage=[[0d0 + 1d12 + [crit damage]]]}} 0 {{uses=}} {{uses_max=}} @{Barbarian|attacher_attack} @{Barbarian|hide_gm_info} 0
By the time this roll button is pressed it is immediately parsed and the results are there, it can't be stopped before the actual roll. What this means is that everywhere in there where you see actual roll syntax, this would have to be replaced on the sheet by a custom built API command , so that the roll itself is initiated by the API. This is a massive effort adding significant complexity to an already very complex sheet, not to mention the time setup to build the custom API command, which is not a trivial task given the complexity of the rolls. This is obviously a concern for you, and I will admit it was a concern for me at one point. While playing Pathfinder a bit over a year ago, I had created a custom sheet that replaced all of the rolls with Powercards (which can do blind rolls) as this was one of the main issues. It took me a long time to do this and I wasn't worried about maintaining another set of rolls for non-api users... Long story short... I realized that meta-gamers will simply meta-game, yes it can be annoying, but you know what... I don't reward the behavior. Instead I started rewarding people who roleplayed their results effectively by giving inspiration, or making cool things happen when they roleplayed their failures properly. If an individual doesn't change and still meta-games in a way that is disruptive, I have a frank conversation with them... if they continue, then I ask them to leave the game (with an appropriate warning). If this is functionality that you truly desire, then I suggest either making a custom sheet and API command for your game. Alternatively, Powercards are an awesome way to do what you want to do, but you will still need a custom sheet to at least replace the rolls that you want as blind rolls with Powercards. It is a tremendous amount of work though for an infrequently required use case that is really centered around bad behavior of certain players.