In a game I'm playing in we're having a problem with effectively combining exploration on a world map with Dynamic Lighting(without API stuff, GM account is only Plus). The basic idea was to give us players the possibility to explore the map more on our own without the necessity for the GM to always reveal tiny pieces from the Fog of War when we stumble into unexplored regions, but also to keep areas where we already have been revealed. The only work around so far we found was to drop lights all around the map where we have been, but this isn't really an elegant solutions and also resulted in a performance drop for some players sometimes when the shadow calculations became more complex because we hadn't be in a few tiny places on the map or because of light line blocking areas (eg high mountains) where we're not supposed/able to go. Is there a better way to achieve what we want (basically exploration with less work for the GM, be it revealing FoW or updating DL obstructions)?