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Warcraft RPG

Hey, I want to know if anyone would be interested in playing Warcraft RPG (second edition) for some real ass-kicking adventures in Azeroth. I have the sourcebooks (on the computer... wink wink) all I need are like-minded individuals. The time of our story (Third War, post-Cataclysm, etc.) and everything else is still up in the air, we can play Horde or Alliance, and I don't care if I'm a Player Character or Storyteller. I can certainly write and set up at least an intro adventure to get us going, and if you enjoyed it, we can get into a more serious campaign. Everyone is welcome, I'm thinking 3-5 players and active roleplaying. The only requirement is being able to play during daytime to Greenwich (European) time, other than that, my schedule is pretty flexible right now. We can negotiate the rest. If you're interested, comment here, and we can start setting this up!
I'm interested.
Great! There is still plenty of space, so come and join, everyone! If you don't know the rules, don't worry, it's just a tweaked d20 system, so not knowing the game shouldn't be too big of an obstacle. Beginners are also welcome.
I created a room for the campaign, you can join here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Hello! I am an inexperienced player (never played such a game). Can I join?
Sure. I think you have some time until we get to the first session (where we create our characters) so you have time to familiarize yourself with the rules and the setting. Join the campaign in the room, and I'll message you with some resources.
I sent the request!
And I accepted it. I also sent you a message with some stuff to read until we start.
hmm it says I'm not authorized to view the page.
You mean the game room? I don't know why, it's LFG-enabled, it should be open... I'll just message you the automatic join link.
I could not acces your link- <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> too. I foud your post in "Looking for a Group" and there I was able to access the link. Sorry for my bad English!
Odd. Maybe the link is for the GM version of that room, not the LFG-version. Fixed the link, is it working now? Also, An_Adventure A. (you can give yourself a nickname in the account settings, by the way) I messaged you some answers to your questions.
King, apply to join and we have our three players.
I might be interested in this too. I have the hardcover WoW rules but never played them.
are there still place? and if so i would be interrested to join.
Wow, what a surge of interest! If I accept everyone, that makes about seven players, including me... That's too much. Ade S., you are in, but Wafty, I can't accept you for sure because we went over the five players. But: we have an absolute beginner and two players who applied without saying a word, so there may be an opening just in case somebody doesn't turn up. Can't promise anything, though.
:( it's a shame that I found this thread after it was filled. Let me know if a spot opens.
We set the time of the first session for Friday, 18:00 GMT.