I'm aware that as part of the spec for sheet workers, the namespace for all attributes, repeating or not, is effectively flattened, so on update of a field 'repeating_action_IDXYZ_damage_toggle' we should expect to receive events for 'repeating_action', 'repeating_action:damage_toggle' and 'damage_toggle'. However, in some circumstances, I'm now seeing 'change:repeating_action' with a sourceAttribute of 'repeating_action_damage_toggle' (note the lack of ID in the middle). This is exceptionally unhelpful because that sourceAttribute does not (and cannot) exist - attempts to set an attribute with that name produce an error; it's particularly frustrating because there is no good way to distinguish in code between these events and a change event for a field under 'repeating_action' called 'toggle' that has an ID of 'damage'. Is this some sort of undocumented additional event (in which case, is there an unwritten rule that underscores are not allowed in attribute names?) or is this a bug in the event firing system? Either way, some clarity is needed urgently because it's breaking sheet workers.