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Talk to rpg publishers to sell official modules on roll20


Edited 1458412169
For example, you could talk to wizards to put tyranny of dragons content (like character sheets, the actual book and maps) on roll20 and sell it in the market. You could have the publishers make the content and set the price. I think doing this could have a huge impact on how publishers see RPG products and can open up possibilities to published content in formats other than books.
Yes, this. Specifically i'm tired of crappy maps due to the low file size limit. I would purchase Pathfinder Campaigns through you guys if it came with the map folio's in HD, and Mook's/NPC's pre-generated for the campaign. That would take 75% of my prep-time and make it free time. Even just selling the map packs in HD would be something I'd purchase.
Or even the pathfinder pawn collections and D&D token sets. 
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Hi, there! Roll20 offers licensed content and modules in the marketplace (such as Tyranny of Dragons and Pathfinder paths), and is always working to license and convert more content. The Suggestions Forum isn't a viable place to request such modules, nor to discuss upcoming offerings in the Marketplace. As a result, I am closing this thread to refund your votes.