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First time writting a campaign. need advice from experienced DMs

So i had an idea last night and i want to make it into reality. but i have no experience as a DM, as a writer and very little experience as a player. i want to make a campaign called "the scavenger hunt" where a party of 4-6 players will be doing a scavenger hunt. 3-4 locals looking for various items. the part i mostly need help on is the monster line up. i want the party to either exclusively or mainly fight monsters that represent real world scavenger (like rats vultures, or bandits that are looting old temples looking for scrap metals, old books that can be sold and such) or creatures from the universe of D&D that feed themselves thru scavenging.  the joke is while they are themselves on a scavenger hunt, they will be hunting scavengers.  i have yet to buy a monster manual, any modules or any real material except an old 3,5 player's handbook long long ago when i attended a D&D camp as a young teen. if anyone has any suggestions on how to go about making this wish a reality i would love to hear them. monsters that i can include. how to build a well made dungeon layout, how to keep players engaged and on task will letting them enjoy the game at their own pace and without restricting their choices mcuh and giving them as much freedom as possible.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
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