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GM Seeking players: My Little Pony


Edited 1377996841
Ok first off this is using&nbsp; the free roleplaying book: My Little Pony: Roleplay is Magic found @ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; We're using the S2e( Season 2) and S3e (Season 3), - yes two books but its because some of the things in book 2 are not in book 3, but&nbsp; 3e has the 'better' clearer mechanics. System: Roleplay is Magic:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - If the link doesn't for for what ever reason, please&nbsp; google Search: Roleplay is Magic Books Used S2e (Second Season) &amp; S3e (Third Season) &nbsp;No other books are required.- CharacterCreation is simply, below is the plot) Potential Times?&nbsp; As we gain&nbsp; players we can discuss what times &amp; days work best for the group collectively. &nbsp;Races: Earth,Pegasus, Unicorn, Crystal &amp; Zebras Ponies, &nbsp; Alicorns (we may have to create some rules to help govern them) Note: Alicorns are by Ascension only (i.e it must happen in game and worked towards). Time: We'll choose the time that works best for the players. &nbsp;The Basic plot: This is a bit long. [spoiler]: Ponies from an unknown land experience a disaster. They flee their homeland, and end up in a Land which their descendants will simply know as 'Home'. The&nbsp; Outer Herds represent the&nbsp; descendants of the 'rear guard' ponies who specifically protected the flanks of the scholars, teachers, scientists educated pony times , and have since become a culture of&nbsp; &nbsp;taboos and lack reading, writing and farming living on in a nomadic style. Their magic tends to be extremely ritual based (dancing). They primarily are made of&nbsp; Earth, Crystal, &amp; Zebra ponies, with a few Unicorn &amp; Pegasus ponies whom are both revered and regarded as other (unless born into the outer herds). (We would think of these&nbsp; ponies as 'less civilized, no permentant shelters, are built though natural shelters are found and crisis crossing circuit routes (like the animal migrations of the Serengati are standard). The Inner Herds represent the 'learned' ponies nobles, scholars ect who fled and took with them books and knowledge. These ponies by and large are unicorn and Pegasus ponies (of the crystal and regular variety). They have cities and downs and a'civilized society'. The two herds are taboo locked Inner ponies who are married to outer ponies must move to the outer ponies Herd and are forbidden to speak of&nbsp; their lives in the Inner Herds. If they do so they are banished. (Banishment and subsequently 'death' is how most crimes are handled.) The basic plot:&nbsp; Something has reared its head, and the Ponies of home are transported from their respective herds and collective dumped elsewhere. (be it because of an old magic ritual that some ponies attempted in both herds? Or other outside forces-- either way it doesn't matter. The Ponies are dumped in ancient sky contient city (walled, and so big that even pegasus ponies can't see the 'edge' of city'. The City is the former Alicorn city . The Alicorns&nbsp; disappeared ages ago (perhaps in the same disaster which caused the pony-ancestors of home to Flee. But anyway Ponies are now stuck in a world and place not their own and they need to survive. [/spoiler] On Adventurers &amp; Roleplaying: Adventurers would be the ponies chosen,volunteered or commanded to go out and see what is beyond the square that their magic portal sets them down in. [spoiler] Mostly it'll be reclaiming the city from both time, and the ravages of the forces of Demia ( A 'Nightmare Moon/Sombra analogous pony)&nbsp; who&nbsp; has sided or been taken over by the forces of destruction, despair,and oppression). (They perhaps look like bat-winged, armored 'changeling' style ponies perhaps) Anyway so there are probably multiple groups of these ponies,&nbsp; but also groups of scholars, who attempt to discover the ancient ways of the ponies who lived here before they arrived. (Perhaps they find the library and attempt to read their books) Either way they discover Alicorn (Yep Uni-pegasus ponies) some of which are nothing more than crystalized essences, someof which are suspended in crystal, or otherwise time-stopped in magic. I would like it to be action-adventure,social dynamics maybe some society and civilization building thrown in. (So yes we can have the beginning and subsequent establishment of a town, and the two Inner &amp; Outer pony herds having to deal with one another ,their differences in culture and otherwise struggling to deal with the break down of their socities as /they/ know them. The&nbsp; building of a new society, so perhaps&nbsp; a little socio-political faction based play as well as ponies would perhaps start fall into ideological camps: The Old Ways (Outer Herd) , The old ways (inner herds) &amp; perhaps the Progressives, or something along that line of though. [/spoilers[
Is this for real?

Edited 1377793074
I am absolutely SERIOUS. Yes. It is for real. It was an idea I had. and I ran with it. I admit this would be my first time GM, and&nbsp; such, but I am interetedi n stepping out to try something.
.....Im in.
I hate to say it, but I would join this out of intrest, but I am running a a few games already and it really depends on the meeting times wether or not I would be able to join you in a relaible manner. This basicly will most likely turn into some grimdark stuff I believe, doesn't seem much like the fluffy and horrifyingly cutesy nature of FiM anyway. It just has ponies doing the murdering and destruction instead of elves, dwarves or magi, that is fine with me, breaks the cliché for once.
Wow. I actually was not planning on making it grim dark. It was actually going to be about ponies rebuilding their society, and learning after long years of taboos and seperation to come together again as a society.

Edited 1377829047
Count me in.Im so in for this wait how does char creation work? here is my sheet for it&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and what day will it be held friday or saturday nights would work best

Edited 1377964454
Holy cow, well lets see if we get any more people. But I like the idea of a Saturday night (its when my SO holds his campaign so that block with nothing to do&nbsp; works well and gives me something to do. And please don't use outside sheets. If you&nbsp; grab the two books: Roleplay is magic (respectively S2e (Second Season) &amp; S3e (Season 3), you'll be in good shape, they're both free.&nbsp; The Game can be found at&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> , if not Google: " My Little Pony Roleplay is Magic", it'll be the first link on Google Character Generation is ridiculously simple, and even a system stupid (like me comprehends how to and what everything means). But I'd say read the books - S2e has some nice explanations on things&nbsp; like Pony Ages, &amp; Cutie Marks/Special Purposes, some nice flaws and other things that can be used to improve a game. 3e has good clear concise mechanics. &nbsp;I am also making a bookmarked version of 'S3e so&nbsp; we can more easily find stuff (as the original didn't have bookmarks)
depending on when you want to do it (timezones would be helpfull) i'd be helpfull
&nbsp;Well I happen to be EST (GMT-5), I'd prefer to do it around 8pm EST or so maybe run into for 1-2 hrs. or so.
Bill K.
Sheet Author
Hmm, this sounds like a wonderful setup. &nbsp;Sadly, I probably don't have time (though the Sat. night EST would work possibly), and haven't actually seen MLPonies since the Rainbow of Light was smacking down the Shmooze. &nbsp;Still, good luck to a new GM! Also, and the real reason for posting: your links don't seem to go anywhere. &nbsp;Not sure if the content got taken down or something, but might want to look at that. &nbsp;...or maybe they're just broken for me, who knows?
Hey the Schmoooze smackdown.. was worth it! And definately has some... play in FiM. You don't need to have seen FiM because.. we're not dealing with canon and the two books 'cover' stuff, that you'd basicly need to know..
8pm EST is sadly too late for me (am in gmt +1) so that'd be 2 am.... well good luck with this then
Its ok. That might be a bit late for you maybe we'll get some people.
Lynch J said: Is this for real? Yeah, I'm with this guy Is this real?
Yes. This is for real. Why do so people think its a joke? I wanted to do something a little bit different with my little pony and set it up differently and avoid the cannon snaffs and pitfalls
For those of you who think this is 'joke' here is my plan &amp; some of the goals I want to accomplish with this game, some of themes I want to establish: For those of you looking for a few things&nbsp; here they are: There will be encounters. It'll be mostly narrative, in terms of play,&nbsp; i tend to prefer roleplay over roll-play. so I try to emphasis it being more like&nbsp; solid story-telling. There could be death. I envision it more as: The Ponies of home are already in the city square, they've managed to secure a few of the buildings, so they have a watering&nbsp; hole (a.k.a A Tavern), a&nbsp; few communal bunk houses of sorts (because the ponies lived in herds (clans) with bands(family units or extended families). No one is too weirded out. &nbsp;The ponies want to explore the rest of the city, (or at least see what lies beyond their little square. So ponies who are&nbsp; are PCs are 'Adventurers' in the sense that they have been sent out by their leaders in small 'squads'/groups. to see what they can find or learn about their new surroundings. So yeah the 'standard' dungeon crawl could happen, but I'd like t ofocus on ponies of different types who have been seperated by&nbsp; culture &amp; Taboo might respond to be suddenly thrown into a world that&nbsp; makes those things which they have culturally be exposed to have been told SHALL NOT HAPPEN, or if they do people will be exiled and you will be considered 'dead' to those in your family and clan-group. How they deal with this, how they might deal with the problem of having to overcome these obstables: Ex: Pegasus &amp; Unicorn ponies in the OUTER Herd groups are treated&nbsp; with a sort of reverence/honor by Earth,Zebra ponies (who make up a majority of the outer herds. Even if a Unicorn or Pegasus is born to parents who are earth, or zebra ponies, the foal is treated.. as truely precious. Beyond the standard 'child is sacred' idea. Outer herds are semi-nomadic (living slightly more like' real 'horses might. Though finding shelter, and using herbalism , shamanism and ritual magic are apart of their lives their, very traditional. You do what you do because it is tradition. The culture is also slightly more Patricharl in some herds more than others. (Much of the gender dynamics of outer herds is due to tradition). It would not be too surprising to find male and female ponies being more awkward if their from outer herds ,depending on the style of herd they lived in. Ponies from the Inner herds reguard 'ground ponies' (that is ponies without wings, or horns) as somewhat unusual. Mostly because the Inner heards focused on keeping the knowledge of magic, reading, writing alive in their Herds (they built cities, and towns and roads). The Inner Herds are more progressive, gender equality, ect. So its really about ponies breaking down barriers and learning to work together for the good of all. (Which is something the ponies of Home would instinctively understand as their communities never&nbsp; became individualistic instead are quite collectivist on some things.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
MLP game? Saturdays? I'm totally there! I've been slowly trying to come up with a story for an Unknown Ponies: Failure is Awesome campaign; maybe this will give me some ideas. =3
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> That link is dead. Your not using this system?
Temper T. said: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> That link is dead. Your not using this system? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;if that link doesn't work, copy and paste it into your address bar, the website is there.
No I am not, I&nbsp; am using : Roleplay is magic, I do appologize I thought I'd fixed it (and removed the&nbsp; backslash in my original posting but it seems the computer was being silly and put it back in. So nope, roleplay is magic is the system ,easier less thought nessacery to make a character and less convoluted ( This MLP NOT&nbsp; DND). I also understood this system. DND &amp; and a few other systems make my head hurt with all that one must keep track of, with INT scores and just making a character was sometimes an hrs or two. ( At least with me) &nbsp;Here its much more fluid and simple, which presents an environment conductive to ROLEPLAYING vs. Rollplay, in my opinion.
If people are interested, tonight at 8pm EST, I am holding at least a info meeting, so I can sit ,talk and meet all of you.

Edited 1377992313
Via Skype, though if we can use IRC as well, I have&nbsp; IRC channels set up on&nbsp; Darkmyst.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;Via IRC, the OOC Room is #garden-ooc &amp; the game/IC room is #gardenshadow &nbsp;Personally I'd prefer skype and IRC. If we're doing skype: spiritsongtress is my skype handle.

Edited 1378105099
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Q: Has there been a decision yet as to what age category we're playing?
Yeah I've decided that you can play 'Young Adult' ( so the same 'rough' age as the Mane Six' in the show.)- which is seperate from the&nbsp; XP catagory, but could be considered 'Adult' in terms of XP&nbsp; Catageory)