Tenacious Techhunter said: Alby, you mentioned using "any old laser rifle" as a target designation laser... I'm aware that this is old-school Traveller canon, but I haven't seen any examples of that in the Mongoose rules. 1. Can you fish around the Mongoose Rules and see if you can find an example of that? 2. If not, can you find us some usable materials on how that is supposed to work going by the old-school rules? There are no mechanical rules provided in Mongoose for using laser weapons as target painters as far as I have found, but it is hinted at in the paragraph describing them on p.100 of the Main Rulebook: "Directed-energy weapons first enter the battlefield as target
designators and range-finders , but by TL 9 weapons capable of
inflicting damage directly appear." The closest Mongoose has been to making a rule that allows you to paint a target with a laser for artillery is the "Spotter Drone" in Mercenary Book 1: Spotter Drone (TL10) Tiny drones that are little more than a
lift unit and a laser targeter , the spotter is an artillery team’s best
friend. The small spheroid zooms out to where the artillery needs
to fire, spends 1–6 minor actions holding a laser designator on the
potential target, and waits for the attack. This requires the drone’s
operator to pass a throw 9+, but will add a +4DM to the designated
artillery team’s next attack roll when shooting at the target. Hull 1.
Availability 8+. Cost Cr. 12,000. If you want my two cents worth, any laser scope or laser weapon switched to "Designate" (capacitors bypassed so that it fires a steady beam instead of a pulse) could be used to paint a target. A skill roll could pass a +DM up the line like any skill chain. In Classic Traveller the "Forward Observer" skill was used to spot targets for artillery, but in Mongoose I guess we'd use Recon or maybe a straight Gun Combat (laser) skill check? Or maybe the chain would start with the laser skill check, providing a bonus to the recon check, which would give a bonus to the artillery/ortillary/Hvy Wpn (launcher) attack roll? As far as Classic Traveller goes, this is from the first page of Classic Traveller Book 4: Mercenary... Mercenary Striker
Operating on a moderate-to-low tech level world (probably TL 5-7), this trooper
is serving as an artillery forward observer . The tech level 8 laser carbine ( page 43 )
is used as a range finder and target designator, as well as a personal weapon in an
emergency . A ballistic cloth flak jacket (page 41) is worn over the combat uniform,
and the helmet has been modified to include a personal commo link and night
vision enhancement gear (page 43). The carbine's small power pack is worn high
over the shoulder blades and a light assault pack (not visible) is hung below it.
Because of his role as forward observer, the large pockets of his fatigues and flak
jacket are probably filled with a variety of colored smoke grenades (page 41) for
signalling purposes. PAGE 43 " Tech level 8 : The assault gun remains standard, but is supplemented by the laser carbine .
The laser carbine has limited weapons potential, but is used primarily as a target designator and
range finder. Ballistic cloth flak jackets are in universal use" PAGE 44 Tech level 8 : The RAM grenade replaces the early grenade launcher and most specialized
anti-tank grenade launchers. Mortars are now capable of firing cluster bomblet rounds. The tac
missile's guidance system now requires that the operator track only the target, not that he guide
the missile. Advanced forms of the tac missile incorporate laser target designation. PAGE45 Tech level 8 : Weapons of 15 cm and larger can now deliver tactical nuclear devices, and
guided rounds are available which home on laser painted targets. The descriptions of the ACR, Gauss rifle and RAM grenade launcher in book 4 all included a scope that incorporated "a laser painting and range finding device." So ... Book 4 tells you that its a thing but never really gives you any mechanics. I know there were mechanics for it in the Striker supplement but I don't have a copy of that at the moment. From memory laser guided artillery and missiles got a +4 DM if the target was painted with a laser. In striker, vehicles could be fitted with "laser sensors" that could trigger prismatic aerosol or smoke to protect against being designated by a laser. If I remember right they could also help pinpoint the origin of the laser and feed those coordinates to artillery. That's what makes the Mongoose Traveller "Spotter Drone" such a great piece of gear. The drone would get blasted rather than a living soldier. Interestingly, rolling up a Navy character in Classic would often grant the "Forward Observer"skill.