ENTRY 1 -- 1109-305 01:06:55 * image pans wildly around a cluttered stateroom before settling on a diminutive Vargr with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He grumbles something about "high-tech sorcery Bro-Ckok crap" as he adjusts the camera. Kayleb is dressed in a grubby white singlet top and a pair of cargo pants. A cigarette hangs loosely out of his mouth * Err ... g'day. Never done this kind of thing before, but I figured it'd be good for some kind of "record of my life" to be left behind for when I die ... or someth'n. * takes a long drag from his cigarette * Umm ... where do y' start? I was born on a crap world called Menorb. Pretty much a pimple on the arse of space. Basically the runt of my litter. Grew up in a cluster settlement called Oasis on the edge of the South Ausrican desert. Father was an axe player in a blacklist musical group called Groughtok. Mother a factory slave in town. Never saw much of either of them. So m' brothers 'n sisters and I just fell in with the rest of the kids on the street. Even on a good day it was a crap life. You c'n understand why I wanted to get out of there as quick as I could. So I rode a Bro-Ckok across the desert to New Menorb Startown. Picked up "working passage" off world and jumped around a bit until I ended up on board a freetrader - the "Hazard to Navigation". Turns out the crew of that ship were struggling and had turned to piracy to make ends meet. They were mainly jacking ships in the Kinorb Cluster. It didn't damage my conscience any. I guess plundering rich fatties seems like a virtue when you've grown up in poverty... * taps the ash off his cigarette before continuing * ... in fact, leaving poverty is the only think that eats me. I learned a lot with that crew. The Captain of the Hazard was a good man. I was running with them for four years before things finally fell apart. I ended up in an interrogation room with some sector navy screw. Could have spilled the beans on the captain to save my own skin. The fact that I didn't earned me some points with the Hazard crew I'd say? .... wonder if they're still alive? So ... after that I joined the line at the Imperial Marine recruiting office. It was a long shot, but they must have been low on their recruiting quota. Signed me up and shipped me off to Pixie for basic. I guess my life really started to take off for me after that. I went from being packless to being a part of the biggest, baddest pack in known space. I was flying for the marines to start off with. Assault cutters, G-Carriers. Nothing great I guess. I mean, I was a bottom feeder in that pack, but for me being a marine meant being a part of something ... bigger. Something important. * Kayleb drags the last part of his cigarette and then stubbs it out. * ... Well .. it did. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to have served. In the end though, military service is like a bloody meat grinder. You put yourself on the line, but get broken and your out. Second time I got shot up they discharged me. I tried to fall in with the Navy, maybe join flight. They had no interest in a shot up washout. Funnily enough I was drafted back into the Marines. Ground Assault. Mostly grunt work. When the Gram Fleet hit Lanth our ship was flying high guard above one of the local gas giants. One of ours had disabled the drives on a Swordworld ship and we were sent over to board it. On the way our cutter was hit. *Pauses for a moment to light up another cigarette* So that was my second medical discharge. From what I've been told I was beaten up so bad they had to put me in a cold birth and ship me off to a Navy med facility on D'Ganzio to put me back together. When I woke up, that was it. Section DMC - Medical discharge. Thanks for your service... The war is over for you... Here's a ceremonial cutlass and a pile of medical debt. Now piss off. So ... I've just been kind of lost since then. "Packless". Been bouncing around from place to place on working passage. Trying to just ... get away from it all... ... Screw the war. ... Screw the Imperium. *Kayleb reaches for the camera. There is a jolt as if he had paused and then resumed recording* How do you go backwards on this bloody thing? Stuff it... Like I said, been jumping around on working passage. Finally ended up here - the first crew with low enough standards to put me on their roster in a semi permanent way. Looked like a mercenary company so I sent them my resume. Now that I'm here though, they seem to be more about the "company" and less about the "mercenary". I hear there used to be a platoon of mercs aboard. Now they've been replaced by ... gunnery robots. Soulless tentacle monsters. ... Shit. --END OF RECORDING--