An API Script could change the value of an Attribute that contains the Roll Query to a number (and back). Chance are, you're already calling sheet rolls from Ability Command Buttons within the text chat :). So, one API chat command could simultaneously modify the Attribute and call the "spellbook" macro without really adding an "extra click". Otherwise, this would make a great Suggestion. :) If a goal is minimizing user input across multiple Roll Queries, you could look into nesting Roll Queries to a certain effect, e.g.: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> /me [...] rolls a [[1d20 + 0 + 0 + ?{Usage|
Standard, 0 ]] for Skill! |
Ability 1, 10 [Ability 1] + ?{Secondary Usage&#124;
None&#44; 0]] for Skill! &#124;
Ability 2&#44; 10 [Ability 2] ]] for Skill! Ability 2 flavour text! &#124;
Other&#44; 0?{Modifier&amp;#124;0&amp;#125; [Other Modifiers] ]] ``(modified by ?{Modifier&amp;#125;)`` for Skill!
&#125; Ability 1 flavour text! |
Ability 2 - on this "layer" of nesting&#44; escaped commas look like: &#44; but notice that the Query commas look like: , 20 [Ability 2] + ?{Secondary Usage&#124;
None&#44; 0]] for Skill! &#124;
Ability 1 - on this "layer" of nesting&amp;#44; escaped commas look like &amp;#44; but notice that the Query commas look like: &#44; 10 [Ability 1] ]] for Skill! Ability 1 flavour text! &#124;
Other&#44; 0?{Modifier&amp;#124;0&amp;#125; [Other Modifiers] ]] ``(modified by ?{Modifier&amp;#125;)`` for Skill!
&#125; Ability 2 flavour text! |
Other, 0?{Modifier&#124;0&#125; [Other Modifiers] ]] ``(modified by ?{Modifier&#125;)`` for Skill!