Currently in the process of gearing up Kayleb. There was talk in the meta about the company purchasing a suit of Battledress for him to use. I've been taking a look at the different versions of Battledress and If battledress is still on the table I'm figuring that the best kit to buy would be the Logistics model. It's cheap. Cheapest on the list by far. Even if you spend the extra 1.5MCR upgrading it to TL 14 it's still cheaper than most of the other models at their TL 13 level. It's almost the "non-combat" version of Battledress. It would basically double as an aid for cargo handling. Maybe handy as a subtle way of getting battledress around in a starport without drawing too much attention. Could even paint it yellow and put a flashing light on top and call it a cargo lifter. It'd also help Kayleb do his heavy lifting dogs body duties around the ship. +6 STR is sweet. Kayleb could actually carry his arsenal without having to convert one of the gunnery robots into a personal caddie. If the company is tight on funds because it's stealthing up the Ares then maybe instead of Battledress we could look at making the cutters more survivable. Adding sand casters and maybe some Gatling Point Defense Lasers (p90 CSC) using them would be less suicidal. According to the High Guard supplement a 50T smallcraft can have up to two ship scale weapons and up to 5 personal scale weapons. Anything that improves the survivability of the cutters would be great.