I tried this game once before, and schedule changes and conflicts caused it to come to a halt. So I'm trying again. I'm running a game of Tomb of Horrors, 4th edition version, with some features from both new and old versions. What I need in a player is fairly simple; Competent roleplayers who can work as a team, don't know the dungeon, and are happy to test their brains against a dungeon who's job is to kill you, and a sense of humor. No planned session time or day yet, I'm completely flexible. You should have Skype and be prepared to play via voice chat on it. No text, sorry. If everything works out and the group finishes, I do have other awesome material that may follow up. Skype: Askren- Email: <a href="mailto:askrenanon@hotmail.com" rel="nofollow">askrenanon@hotmail.com</a> Get at me on one of the two with any relevant information. Have one player, need 3 more minimum, 6 is the most I can run for.