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Making a token automatically input bar values?


Edited 1460955100
When I drag a character token from my journal onto the battlemap, I would like it to automatically populate bar 1 with HP.  Instead, I have to manually set everyones token to HP everytime I switch scenes or drag a new token onto the map.   For instance, I have character "Harold" who has 15/20 hp.  I drag Harold onto the board, but his HP isn't displayed.  I have to click his token and from the dropdown menu select "HP" next to bar 1.  That becomes time consuming and intrusive when being done often enough. Ideally bar 1 would always display the characters HP.  Is there a way for me to set it as such, or is that not a feature implemented in roll20?  If not, I may have to take this to the suggestion board.

Edited 1460955481
You need to link the tokens to the character sheet with the proper hit points set and make sure that it is linked to the character. See the wiki  here and  here

Edited 1460956455
Sheet Author
Make sure to use represents on the token to link to a given sheet, then link your status bars (HP, AC, etc.), finally edit the journal and select the "use selected token" for default token.  Now, when you drag/drop from the sidebar, it should still have the linked status bars.   For some reason if you "use selected token" from the sheet/journal before using represents from a token, the status bars do not stick when using drag/drop later even theough the token and sheet are still linked.  At least I believe that's the process... ;-P
Sheet Author
And... this shows that the token status bars do not stick unless you use represents first.
Amazing, thanks for the reply!  This is going to save me a lot of hassle.