This script is designed to enhance the 5e Shaped Character sheet by Kryx. It provides a variety of import methods, token & character configuration services, and dynamic sheet enhancements (ammo, death save, HD processing etc). Full details of the functionality can be found in the documentation available on github , along with a changelog listing fixes and features for each version. Installation There are two ways of installing the script: Via the Roll20 1-Click interface (Current Live Version 4.6.1) go to your API scripts page and select the 5e Shaped Companion from the drop-down list. This will give you the latest publicly released version of the script, and will update automatically to any new version each time you load your campaign. The publicly released version tends to be anywhere up to a week behind the latest development version (see next point) Manual installation of latest development version (Current Live Version 4.9.0) You can find the latest script from my github - you can also see the latest changelog and up-to-date documentation there as well. Copy the raw text of 5eShapedCompanion.js into a new script in your API settings (or paste it over your previous version if updating) This version of the script will not update automatically - you will to have to copy/paste new versions in by hand This version contains the latest updates to the script before they are submitted and accepted by Roll20, so if there's a specific feature or bugfix that you can't wait for, this is the way to get it. Usage Please see the Github Documentation for full details on available command and other functionality. Problems and Bugs If you're having trouble getting set up, don't understand something, or just need a bit of guidance, post here in this thread and I or someone else will try to help you. Please note that everyone here volunteers their time freely and without compensation; it is a basic courtesy to ensure that you have familiarised yourself with the available documentation for Roll20 in general and the script in particular before asking for help. You may feel like you don't have time to read everything and just want a quick answer; and you might get lucky and find someone in a patient mood who is willing to copy and paste the relevant section of the docs back to you; but remember that not having time to be courteous and respectful can cut both ways ;-) If you read the docs and don't understand them, that's a bug with the docs - so please let me know and I will try to make them clearer. If you believe you've found a bug, the preferred method of reporting it is to create a GitHub issue. First of all, please check the issue list to see if the bug in question has already been reported. If you don't see an existing report, you can add a new one by clicking the "New Issue" button on the issue list page. Please try to be as detailed as possible when reporting bugs; a bug which just says "Import Doesn't Work" will most likely just be ignored. As a minimum you should include with you report: The complete and exact steps you took to produce the problem, including the full API commands that you ran - ideally you will have tried these again to ensure that they reliably reproduce it. If I can't reproduce your problem I can't fix it. Any messages that were generated in your API log when the problem occurred + any API crash error (also reported on the API script page) The exact version of the script that you are running (printed in the API log when the API starts up) and the exact version of the character sheet you are using (displayed on the sheet itself) For statblock import problems, please also include the complete text of the statblock, exactly as it appears in the GM notes of the token Feature Requests If you have a suggestion for a feature or an enhancement, you can post it here or you can submit it as a Github issue (see above). Please note that this script is designed to be a support script for the 5e Shaped Sheet, not a "Run your whole Campaign" UberScript - so if your request is something that isn't specific to the sheet I'm likely to suggest you put a separate script request out on the API forum rather than including it in this script.