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New to GM'ing. Tips/Advice greatly appreciated.


Edited 1461127026
I'm new to tabletop rpgs and especially to GM'ing. I'm trying to get a oneshot going with some others who are also new to tabletop rpgs, and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to decide on what kind of enemies they should be encountering. I'm decent on how mechanics go, just having a hard time trying to challenge them without making it broken and futile. Like today (first game, basically a tutorial on the game as well as the site), they encountered some rats and a goblin. I figured that'd be a simple start. The goblin ended up almost oneshotting one of them with a bow. I'd rather avoid modules simply due to the fact that it simply wouldn't feel like it's my game. It'd feel like I was simply guiding the players along someone else's game and basically being a temporary GM while the real GM is sick (sorry if that comparison doesn't make much sense). I'm perfectly fine with using a general theme or concept as a guideline... just no full stories/maps/etc. So... I'm looking forward to any tips/advice you, of the R20 community, have to offer for a beginning GM. Thank you for taking your time to read this. Edit: We're playing Pathfinder, if that affects any advice given.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
As this is not related to the use of the roll20 program such as how to set up sheets, tokens, music, or even fog of war, it has to be labeled off-topic and closed. From the Roll20 Community Code of Conduct : The Roll20 Forums exist to discuss topics directly related to the use of the Roll20 program. Anything that more fittingly could be discussed on another website SHOULD be discussed there. Here are some good places to discuss this topic: /r/rpg /r/dnd /r/dndnext /r/ADND /r/Pathfinder_RPG