I'm new to tabletop rpgs and especially to GM'ing. I'm trying to get a oneshot going with some others who are also new to tabletop rpgs, and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to decide on what kind of enemies they should be encountering. I'm decent on how mechanics go, just having a hard time trying to challenge them without making it broken and futile. Like today (first game, basically a tutorial on the game as well as the site), they encountered some rats and a goblin. I figured that'd be a simple start. The goblin ended up almost oneshotting one of them with a bow. I'd rather avoid modules simply due to the fact that it simply wouldn't feel like it's my game. It'd feel like I was simply guiding the players along someone else's game and basically being a temporary GM while the real GM is sick (sorry if that comparison doesn't make much sense). I'm perfectly fine with using a general theme or concept as a guideline... just no full stories/maps/etc. So... I'm looking forward to any tips/advice you, of the R20 community, have to offer for a beginning GM. Thank you for taking your time to read this. Edit: We're playing Pathfinder, if that affects any advice given.