Hi guys its wick, if you don't remember me i played with you for a couple of weeks a year or so ago then fell ill so i was unable to play, the bad news is i am alive and well, haha. I have been following the game via the emails that roll 20 send me and all i can say is that i am jelly as, it looks like i have missed out on a great campaign. the only thing i would like to say though is that if i was in a space ship, knowing what little i know of asrtogation, is that i would hope the pilot has a manual way to plot location in space and also that a sextant is very useful if u crash land on a planet, but i believe you thumped that discussion to death haha. I have also been following the "boomerang" grenade issue and i cant resist adding my 2 cents worth in. firstly returning boomerangs were kids toys and not used for much else, almost useless in combat and as a hunting weapon as they will only return if thrown into the wind at about 25 degree angle( or some thing close, cant remember the correct angle). How ever if you are looking to make a hand grenade go further than could be thrown can i suggest a "Dart" shaped grenade say 3-4 inches thick and 7 inches long hurled by a Woomera or Attila, (no not the Hun, but the launcher for a spear or dart). An aboriginal warrior could easily throw a spear over 100 yards with more accuracy than a musket and a higher rat of fire with his woomera, the Greek atila could extend the range of a war dart by a factor of 2 or more. Agreed you would need to custom make the grenade but any medium tech low law world would be able to do this. You might want to practice using them b4 you try 1 out in combat. as for me if i throw something that goes boom, i wouldn't want it coming back. any way sorry if this sounds like im butting in but it 730 am and i never do think straight at this time of the morning when im about to go to bed. hehehe. well keep enjoying the game and keep posting as i do enjoy the read.