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LFG (Looking for Game): Any (Preferably PF or 5e) - Saturdays to Tuesdays after 12:00 pm EST


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Introduction: Hi there, the name's Wisna, Male, 20 years of age. I used to play a lot of Pathfinder, 4e, and 5e games while I was still here a long long time ago but unfortunately work got busy so I had to drop the roleplaying hobby for a while. While I still work I now have free time though. Now I'm searching for a group of people to play with, preferably 4-5 players and 1 DM. I prefer the intamacy and development a small group can have compared to a group of 6-10 players. As for scenarios I'm more of a High and Dark Fantasy player than a Sci-Fi one. I also prefer Roleplay to Roll-play. World immersion and character development are more important to me than rolling numbers. As for my schedule I am free all day Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. The other three days of the week I have work but I'm usually home by 7:00 PM EST those days. Tabletop RPG & RP History: -Father and I would RP scenarios during car rides up and down the east coast when I was 12 and we would use an in-game dice roller on one of my game boy games to decide the result of a situation. This is what piqued my interest in Roleplaying and D&D. -Sophomore year of High School met a friend with a D&D 4e book and we grabbed four others to group with us and play. The game's lasted the rest of the High School years and we still occasionally meet. I was a Dwarf Cleric then. -Joined Roll20 towards the end of High School and played with a group playing Basic D&D. The games were fun but just rolling numbers and non-stop combat bored me. I realized being immersed and being my character is what excited me the most about Tabletop RPGs. -2013 and 2014 played many games of Pathfinder with random on and off groups. Most groups would dissolve within a month. Towards the end of the year I found an ambitious man who had a group of 20 players and 4 DMs. He wanted to make his game big. I enjoyed the game but realized that with big groups such as that you can't really form a close-knit relationship with other characters. I also DMed for a group in college. It was the D&D 5e Princes of the Apocalypse campaign. DMing was fun but it's stressful too. I now have great respect for DMs. Those years were big Tabletop years for me. -2015 I was hired as a Database Contractor and work began take up most of my time. Had to drop RPing and focus on making money for myself. -2016 I've finally been able to help the company back on its feet so now there's more free time. I'm looking to get back into RPing. Games Familiar With: -D&D Basic -D&D 3.5e -Pathfinder -D&D 4e -D&D 5e -Shadowrun -Call of Cthulu Games Tools Familiar With: -Myth-Weaver Player sheets: Website used to create and keep record of your characters items and progression throughout the game. -Token Tool: Downloadable Tool used to make custom character and monster tokens. Closing: If you have any questions please post them below or shoot me a message. I'm really REALLY really looking forward to getting back into this hobby. Thank you for your time. Wisna P.S.: Is Ajax still around? I loved his one-shots.
I am willing to join you both. And willing to try something other than 5e. If we can come up with a good time we all can agree on.. Count me in.
Hi, I'm currently trying to get a game of Blades in the Dark going (16:00 GMT+1 Sat) It's thematically maybe a bit like a Victorian era shadow run, but mechanically closer to something like Apocalypse world. If this sounds like something which might interest you let me know

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I'm looking for a couple players to join my Saturday Night (7pm Eastern) RPG Group. &nbsp;I try to put together long-term groups that will play together across multiple campaigns, systems, settings, etc. &nbsp;We just finished a couple 5E campaigns and a couple of friends decided to take a break. &nbsp;For the next campaign we want to do something a little different, so the current game is going to be using a new system called Covert Ops in a modern day setting of spies, mercenaries, etc. &nbsp;Check it out if you're interested. &nbsp;We go for role-play over roll-play (and Covert Ops supports that). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Lawman41 said: Hi, I'm currently trying to get a game of Blades in the Dark going (16:00 GMT+1 Sat) It's thematically maybe a bit like a Victorian era shadow run, but mechanically closer to something like Apocalypse world. If this sounds like something which might interest you let me know I've never actually tried Apocalypse world, so I would be interested in trying it. Could you provide more detail about your campaign through a private message?&nbsp; Justin said: I'm looking for a couple players to join my Saturday Night (7pm Eastern) RPG Group. &nbsp;I try to put together long-term groups that will play together across multiple campaigns, systems, settings, etc. &nbsp;We just finished a couple 5E campaigns and a couple of friends decided to take a break. &nbsp;For the next campaign we want to do something a little different, so the current game is going to be using a new system called Covert Ops in a modern day setting of spies, mercenaries, etc. &nbsp;Check it out if you're interested. &nbsp;We go for role-play over roll-play (and Covert Ops supports that). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Unfortunately I'm not interested in Modern Campaigns unless it adds a supernatural flair to it like Delta Green. Please keep me in touch though if you do plan on running another system.