Hey guys. Here's the deal; We have a livestreamed Pathfinder game that plays every Sunday at 8PM EST. We've been playing our campaign for about 18 sessions now. What am I looking for? -Someone drawn to roleplay-heavy campaigns that are big on plot and character building. -Someone outgoing, excited, and willing to dive into the setting and get immersed in it. -Someone who is comfortable on camera and wants to play a fun campaign while entertaining viewers and building a community of followers! -Experience with Pathfinder, and possibly a familiarity with the Golarion setting. -AVAILABILITY! Please do not apply if it's likely that you'll have a schedule change that challenges attendance. What we're NOT looking for? -Someone just looking for a campaign to join. -People who have issues or are uncomfortable with livestreaming. -Spotty attendance. -Uncomfortably getting into character, roleplaying, and doing some sort of voice acting. No one expects professional quality, but some effort is required. I'm more than happy to provide more details to anyone interested, in a more long-winded and comprehensive format via PM. So if you're looking for a roleplay-driven campaign and have wanted to get into livestreaming or recording sessions, get in touch with me!