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(5e OGL) XP Calc Macro


Edited 1462119784
As promised I am here to share my XP calculation macros for the 5e OGL sheet. These can be adapted for other sheets pretty easily. No special subscription level required. You will need to have a character sheet that you use for storing the macros. I named it Macros . That is the sheet that is referenced for the macro buttons.  This is how the output looks. The first macro is for selecting the number of enemies defeated. XP-#Enemies /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name=Enemies}} {{description=Select number defeated [1](!
%{Macros|XP-1}) [2](!
%{Macros|XP-2}) [3](!
%{Macros|XP-3}) [4](!
%{Macros|XP-4}) [5](!
%{Macros|XP-5}) [6](!
%{Macros|XP-6}) [7](!
%{Macros|XP-7}) [8](!
%{Macros|XP-8}) [9](!
%{Macros|XP-9}) [10](!
%{Macros|XP-10}) [11](!
%{Macros|XP-11}) [12](!
%{Macros|XP-12}) [13](!
%{Macros|XP-13}) [14](!
%{Macros|XP-14}) [15](!
%{Macros|XP-15}) }} Then let's make the macro that lets us know the difficulty per character per level. The text at the beginning acts as the necessary line break . Enc_Party_lvl_calc Encounter Difficulty per character /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=Difficulty}} {{name=**Per Character lvl** ?{Party level|1, **1**}} {{description= **easy=** 25 **medium=** 50 **hard=** 75 **deadly=** 100|2, **2**}} {{description= **easy=** 50 **medium=** 100 **hard=** 150 **deadly=** 200|3, **3**}} {{description=**easy=** 75 **medium=** 150 **hard=** 225 **deadly=** 400|4, **4**}} {{description=**easy=** 125 **medium=** 250 **hard=** 375 **deadly=** 500|5, **5**}} {{description=**easy=** 250 **medium=** 500 **hard=** 750 **deadly=** 1100|6, **6**}} {{description=**easy=** 300 **medium=** 600 **hard=** 900 **deadly=** 1400|7, **7**}} {{description=**easy=** 350 **medium=** 750 **hard=** 1100 **deadly=** 1700|8, **8**}} {{description=**easy=** 450 **medium=** 900 **hard=** 1400 **deadly=** 2100|9, **9**}} {{description=**easy=** 550 **medium=** 1100 **hard=** 1600 **deadly=** 2400|10, **10**}} {{description=**easy=** 600 **medium=** 1200 **hard=** 1900 **deadly**= 2800|11, **11**}} {{description=**easy=** 800 **medium=** 1600 **hard=** 2400 **deadly=** 3600|12, **12**}} {{description=**easy=** 1000 **medium=** 2000 **hard=** 3000 **deadly=** 4500|13, **13**}} {{description=**easy=** 1100 **medium=** 2200 **hard=** 3400 **deadly=** 5100|14, **14**}} {{description=**easy=** 1250 **medium=** 2500 **hard=** 3800 **deadly=** 5700|15, **15**}} {{description=**easy=** 1400 **medium=** 2800 **hard=** 4300 **deadly=** 6400|16, **16**}} {{description=**easy=** 1600 **medium=** 3200 **hard=** 4800 **deadly=** 7200|17, **17**}} {{description=**easy=** 2000 **medium=** 3900 **hard=** 5900 **deadly=** 88200|18, **18**}} {{description=**easy=** 2100 **medium=** 4200 **hard=** 6300 **deadly=** 9500|19, **19**}} {{description=**easy=** 2400 **medium=** 4900 **hard=** 7300 **deadly=** 10900|20, **20**}} {{description=**easy=** 2800 **medium=** 5700 **hard=** 8500 **deadly=** 12700} }} Then we need to do the hard work of making a macro for each one of the qty of enemies we are going to calculate. Well you just need to copy and paste. I made 15 of them which gets you to the maximum multiplier of x4. You can make more if you wish.   XP-1 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (1 enemy)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each**: [[floor((@{target|creature 1|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **1** *Difficulty*: [[floor((@{target|creature 1|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*1]] xp value }} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-2 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (2 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**:[[@{target|creature 1 of 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 2|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each**: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **1.5** *Difficulty*: [[floor(floor((@{target|creature 1 of 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*1.5)]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-3 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (3 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 3|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** **# of PCs:** [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each:** [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **2** *Difficulty*= [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*2]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-4 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (4 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 4|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** Enemy 4= **@{target|creature 4|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each**: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **2** *Difficulty*: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*2]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-5 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (5 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 5|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** Enemy 4= **@{target|creature 4|token_name}** Enemy 5= **@{target|creature 5|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each:** [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **2** *Difficulty*: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*2]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-6 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (6 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 6|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** Enemy 4= **@{target|creature 4|token_name}** Enemy 5= **@{target|creature 5|token_name}** Enemy 6= **@{target|creature 6|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each:** [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **2** *Difficulty*: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*2]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-7 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (7 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 7|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** Enemy 4= **@{target|creature 4|token_name}** Enemy 5= **@{target|creature 5|token_name}** Enemy 6= **@{target|creature 6|token_name}** Enemy 7= **@{target|creature 7|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each:** [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **2.5** *Difficulty*: [[floor(floor((@{target|creature 1 of 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*2.5)]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-8 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (8 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 8|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** Enemy 4= **@{target|creature 4|token_name}** Enemy 5= **@{target|creature 5|token_name}** Enemy 6= **@{target|creature 6|token_name}** Enemy 7= **@{target|creature 7|token_name}** Enemy 8= **@{target|creature 8|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each**: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **2.5** *Difficulty*: [[floor(floor((@{target|creature 1 of 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*2.5)]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-9 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (9 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 9|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** Enemy 4= **@{target|creature 4|token_name}** Enemy 5= **@{target|creature 5|token_name}** Enemy 6= **@{target|creature 6|token_name}** Enemy 7= **@{target|creature 7|token_name}** Enemy 8= **@{target|creature 8|token_name}** Enemy 9= **@{target|creature 9|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each**: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **2.5** *Difficulty*: [[floor(floor((@{target|creature 1 of 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*2.5)]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-10 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (10 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 10|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** Enemy 4= **@{target|creature 4|token_name}** Enemy 5= **@{target|creature 5|token_name}** Enemy 6= **@{target|creature 6|token_name}** Enemy 7= **@{target|creature 7|token_name}** Enemy 8= **@{target|creature 8|token_name}** Enemy 9= **@{target|creature 9|token_name}** Enemy 10= **@{target|creature 10|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each**: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **2.5** *Difficulty*: [[floor(floor((@{target|creature 1 of 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*2.5)]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-11 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (11 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 11|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** Enemy 4= **@{target|creature 4|token_name}** Enemy 5= **@{target|creature 5|token_name}** Enemy 6= **@{target|creature 6|token_name}** Enemy 7= **@{target|creature 7|token_name}** Enemy 8= **@{target|creature 8|token_name}** Enemy 9= **@{target|creature 9|token_name}** Enemy 10= **@{target|creature 10|token_name}** Enemy 11= **@{target|creature 11|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each**: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **3** *Difficulty*: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*3]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-12 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (12 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 12|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 12|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 12|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** Enemy 4= **@{target|creature 4|token_name}** Enemy 5= **@{target|creature 5|token_name}** Enemy 6= **@{target|creature 6|token_name}** Enemy 7= **@{target|creature 7|token_name}** Enemy 8= **@{target|creature 8|token_name}** Enemy 9= **@{target|creature 9|token_name}** Enemy 10= **@{target|creature 10|token_name}** Enemy 11= **@{target|creature 11|token_name}** Enemy 12= **@{target|creature 12|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each**: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 12|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 12|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **3** *Difficulty*: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 12|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 12|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*3]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-13 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (13 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 13|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 12|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 13|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 13|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** Enemy 4= **@{target|creature 4|token_name}** Enemy 5= **@{target|creature 5|token_name}** Enemy 6= **@{target|creature 6|token_name}** Enemy 7= **@{target|creature 7|token_name}** Enemy 8= **@{target|creature 8|token_name}** Enemy 9= **@{target|creature 9|token_name}** Enemy 10= **@{target|creature 10|token_name}** Enemy 11= **@{target|creature 11|token_name}** Enemy 12= **@{target|creature 12|token_name}** Enemy 13= **@{target|creature 13|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each**: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 13|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 12|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 13|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **3** *Difficulty*= [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 13|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 12|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 13|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*3]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-14 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (14 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 14|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 12|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 13|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 14|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 14|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** Enemy 4= **@{target|creature 4|token_name}** Enemy 5= **@{target|creature 5|token_name}** Enemy 6= **@{target|creature 6|token_name}** Enemy 7= **@{target|creature 7|token_name}** Enemy 8= **@{target|creature 8|token_name}** Enemy 9= **@{target|creature 9|token_name}** Enemy 10= **@{target|creature 10|token_name}** Enemy 11= **@{target|creature 11|token_name}** Enemy 12= **@{target|creature 12|token_name}** Enemy 13= **@{target|creature 13|token_name}** Enemy 14= **@{target|creature 14|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] XP each= [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 14|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 12|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 13|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 14|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **3** *Difficulty*: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 14|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 12|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 13|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 14|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*3]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} XP-15 Calculating xp... /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=XP Calc}} {{name= (15 enemies)}} {{description=**Total XP award**: [[@{target|creature 1 of 15|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 12|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 13|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 14|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 15|npc_xp}]] Enemy 1= **@{target|creature 1 of 15|token_name}** Enemy 2= **@{target|creature 2|token_name}** Enemy 3= **@{target|creature 3|token_name}** Enemy 4= **@{target|creature 4|token_name}** Enemy 5= **@{target|creature 5|token_name}** Enemy 6= **@{target|creature 6|token_name}** Enemy 7= **@{target|creature 7|token_name}** Enemy 8= **@{target|creature 8|token_name}** Enemy 9= **@{target|creature 9|token_name}** Enemy 10= **@{target|creature 10|token_name}** Enemy 11= **@{target|creature 11|token_name}** Enemy 12= **@{target|creature 12|token_name}** Enemy 13= **@{target|creature 13|token_name}** Enemy 14= **@{target|creature 14|token_name}** Enemy 15= **@{target|creature 15|token_name}** **# of PCs**: [[?{Number of Characters|4}]] **XP each**: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 15|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 12|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 13|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 14|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 15|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))]] Multiplier= **4** *Difficulty*: [[floor((@{target|creature 1 of 15|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 2|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 3|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 4|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 5|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 6|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 7|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 8|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 9|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 10|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 11|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 12|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 13|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 14|npc_xp}+@{target|creature 15|npc_xp})/(?{Number of Characters}))*4]] xp value}} %{Macros|Enc_Party_lvl_calc} I hope you find this useful. Happy Gaming
This looks cool! I got no idea on how to set this up though?
Make a character called Macros and copy all of these macros into the abilities of said character. Here is a screen shot of the whole set up
I'm slightly confused by one of your calculations... Your macro output shows: XP each:125 Multiplier: 2 Difficulty: 250 xp value Is the last entry supposed to be the xp earned by each member of the party? My understanding was that the XP earned by the party was not subject to the multiplier, the multiplier is only used as an adjustment to properly gauge the added difficulty of fighting large groups of monsters. Am I just misunderstanding your terminology?

Edited 1461960715
That last bit is the Difficulty per PC. In the DMG the multiplier is dependent on the number of creatures in the encounter. XP each is the actual experience awarded to each player per the rules.  I have it in bold to draw attention to it. So my example would show that the encounter would be considered Easy for a lvl 5 party.
Ok i set this up just like you said and i'm not getting the second screen where it lists the enemies. just the first and last one. What am i doing wrong?
There are a couple things that could be happening. One thing to check is that the tokens you are selecting for the XP calculations are linked to an NPC character sheet.  Like so Then make sure that the npc_xp doesn't contain a comma. Older versions of the OGL sheet would add a comma to creatures with over 1000xp.  No If you see this then you need to go and edit the creature to remove the comma. New creatures pulled from the compendium shouldn't have this issue.  Lastly make sure you are selecting all the creatures for the qty you picked out.  Here is a short video of it in action I hope that helps. If you are still having trouble you can PM me a link to your campaign and I can take a look.
Still having trouble! I sent you a link.

Edited 1462120077
Ok, I figured out the problem. There is supposed to be a line break at the beginning of the Enc_Party_lvl_calc  macro, that didn't get translated when I posted it.  It seems to keep removing it! Edit: I have added a line of text at the beginning of the Enc_Party_lvl_calc  macro to act as a line break, you can keep it there it doesn't output. The macros should work properly when copied directly from this post to your Macros character sheet abilities. Happy Gaming
Thank you for all your hard work on this script! It's fantastic!
I'm just glad I got it all worked out. Editing the main post is difficult due to the HTML entities, they revert as soon as it's saved.  The main post should be good for now to copy and paste straight from them to a campaign. 
How can I set up a macro to activate the character macro from a macro in my settings? I don't want to have to open up the character sheet to use it.
Forum Champion
Okieone Shinobi said: How can I set up a macro to activate the character macro from a macro in my settings? Simply save the relevant Ability call as a Settings Macro. Use the Character Name keyword. e.g. %{Macros|XP_Ability_Name}
Awesome! Thanks.
Is there more I can do with the buttons? Do the numbers mean anything? I have been using the structure you made for consolidating all my Macros. It is working great.
Is there a way to make a button represent a Macro in my settings?
Forum Champion
Okieone Shinobi said: Is there more I can do with the buttons? Do the numbers mean anything? Is there a way to make a button represent a Macro in my settings? You can do quite a bit with API Command Buttons . [ACB](!
#MacroName) would call the Settings Macro named "MacroName" when pressed.
Cool Thanks!
Thank you  Silvyre for answering those questions. I've been pretty busy for the past couple of days.