The party enters the valley, and begins the trek through the jungle, where they encounter a community primitive lizardfolk and their Zothian elders. The savages are inititally hostile, but a compbination of intimidation and diplomacy convinces them to let the heroes proceed. Beyond the jungle, the party discovers an ancient city plagued with a disorienting fog. The buildings lie in ruins, the streets are populated by foul beasts, and the very laws of space and time seem to change from moment to moment. The group stumbles upon a tall, oddly-shaped tower, which they scale. Inside they discover an undead mage named Yakmar and his powerful servant, Fezghul. The strangers are initially welcoming, but when Malak tries to force his way into the upper levels of the tower, they attack! The party, overpowered, flees to fight another day. Everyone who played earns 1,500 XP
⇚ What Would You Do for...
Deeper Into Chaos ⇛